Chapter 5

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"What is your name?" -The Riddler

"Chase"-Dr. Chase Meridian

"And what a pursuit you must be." - The Riddler

                                                  ~ Batman Forever, 1995

The first time I watched that movie, two days ago. I laughed when I found out Chase was Batman's lover. Originally, this was going to be a Batman story, but The Riddler just seems more interesting.

Teddy’s POV

I didn’t want Chase to go with Selina, she was too unpredictable. She’d get Chase captured in minutes. I couldn’t say anything; of course, Selina would try to kill me- again. The streets were mostly clear, but Chase noticed a mother and a teenager arguing in their yard. The teen began walking away, leaving her mother in the grass. Chase sprinted over, not caring she looked like a convict. “Chase!” I yelled, running after her. The woman looked terrified as Chase began sprinting towards her, me following closely behind. What a pair we are.

“Ma’am, I don’t know how you feel about my friend and I’s appearances, and I’m sure you’ve figured us out already, but you have to get inside. The inmates at Arkham Asylum have escaped and they don’t care who you are, they aren’t afraid to kill.” The woman hesitated and Chase got tears in her eyes. She got down to her level and looked her straight in the eye. “Please. I can’t handle knowing I let a child die or lose her mother.” The mother gave in and called after her daughter.

“Please, ma’am. I can get her.” I said, pushing Chase and the woman towards the house. I jogged after the girl, grabbing her arm.

“Mom, I told you, I’m going to Damian’s house! I'm 19, I'll do what I want!” The girl yelled, turning around. Her eyes widened and filled with fear when she saw me.

“Let’s go.” I dragged her back to her house and shoved her through the door. She began to protest as I threw her behind the couch where her mother was hiding before joining Chase by the window. She continued whining until she heard Joker’s sinister laugh and the smash of a hammer.

“Well I'll be damned.” The mother said. Eventually, the parade passed and I stood up.

“C’mon Chase. We need to leave.” I said, opening the front door for her.

“Wait!” The girl yelled, jumping up. I sighed, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

“Yeah?” Chase asked.

“You’re Chase Sage… a-and The Riddler! Why would you help us?” She asked. Chase’s eyes darkened and filled with sadness.

“I was bored.” She lied. “What’s your name?”


“Cathy, go to your mother and stay out of trouble. Seriously, don’t do anything stupid. We’ll be watching.” The girl nodded and hugged us both.

“Thank you.” She whispered. Chase hugged her back and pulled me out the door.

“Where is Selina’s place?” Chase asked, sounding depressed.

“I’ll take you.” I said. We walked down the street as Joker and Two-Face practically destroyed Gotham. Chase frowned when she saw Joker blow up an armored car with chattering teeth and Harley run inside, taking the jewelry and escape to what seemed to be their getaway car. “What?” I asked.

“How could someone take a life for money?” She asked. “I could never kill a random civilian.”

“Are you sure you’re a crazy villain?” I asked, looking at her from the corner of my eye. Her head jerked to stare at me and she glared.

Perspicacious InfatuationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora