Chapter 14

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*Short, but I hope you enjoy it! 

Also, if you could PLEASE give my Spiderman story a chance? I promise, it'll go places!*

Chase's POV

Red decided that he wouldn't tell me how he died, or how he was ressurected. Instead, he insisted on helping me with my business. "I have many villianous friends that need help." He said. "I can help you out." He said. We ended up being stood up by many different people. 

"Maybe you just need an office or something." Red commented, drinking from his lemonade cup. He wanted to drink and smoke, but I glared at him as he lingered outside the smoker-friendly pub. His excuse? "It's 5 o'clock somewhere!" My excuse "It's 12 pm here." I looked up from my IQ puzzle that I had completed four times since he started coming up with plans. 

"Maybe. I'll see how big my house is, or if I can find a place to set up shop." I said, pushing the board and pegs aside. Red grabbed the board and reset the pegs. "I'd rather it not be at my home, though. I'd like it close to where I live." 

"I can help you with that." Red said, sucessfully removing all the pegs from the board. I looked at him, bewildered. "I've got friends." 


"A warehouse?" I asked, my voice echoing off the walls of the building.

"Yeah. It was used as a transport warehouse for soldiers and supplies in the Cold War days. It's one of the only warehouses not in the Narrows, so be happy. You may be a very scary criminal, but thugs will still try to mess with you. Even here. So what do you think?" Red said, kicking over a crate. Around 1,000 pistols spilt onto the floor. 

"I'm going to need a crew." I said, examining the pistols. Red smiled, searching in another crate.

"I think I can help." He said, pulling out a SMG.


I had just gotten off the phone with a painter when we pulled up to Edward's house. I saw my stuff outside, including a caged in Missy. I growled with anger and marched up the stairs to the front door. Red came running after me. I threw open the door and saw an empty living room. I stormed to Edward's office door and banged on the weak wood. 

"I'm busy." I heard his muffled voice say. I set my jaw and kicked until the door flew off it's hinges. "You'll pay for that." Edward said, emotionlessly staring at one of his many monitors. 

"Why is my stuff on the street?" I asked, as calmly as I could. 

"I told you I was moving it all." He said, equally as calm, his eyes never leaving the screen. I angrily spun the chair around to face me.

"Why was my cat out there?" I yelled. His expression turned puzzled, then blank again.

"Query must've done it. She was the one who moved it all. I don't have time for such annoying tasks." Edward said, turning the chair back around. I scoffed and gestured to his cluttered desk. 

"What about trying to figure out who Batman is? I'm surprised you haven't figured it out, when I have. I thought I wasn't as smart as you, Edward." I said, my voice so chilly, Freeze would've been jealous. I stormed out of the house and grabbed the key that was on a note labeled "For Chase." Red followed me, trying to calm me down. I put the key in the lock of my new house, and pushed open the door. It was spacious, and already furnished. A small gift sat on the coffee table. I unwrapped it and the picture inside the frame brought tears to my eyes. 

"Chase? What's wrong?" Red asked, looking over my shoulder. It was a picture of Teddy and I. I remember the day like it was yesterday.

"Sorry, boys! Loony Lane is run by me now!" The Joker laughed into a microphone. He had shut down our wing of Arkham so no one could get in. Of course, they could send knock out gas through the vents and make us all pass out, but we have hostages that are in critical condition. They'd never risk them. Joker was perfectly content running around, laughing and dancing to the distant screams of pain. Johnny found a hidden box of toxin and was spraying incoming reinforcments. Harley and Selina just talked about shoes and Selina's latest conquest. Teddy rolled his eyes and continued drawing on the wall. 

"Hey, Teddy. Why don't you come over to my cell?" I asked, tossing a book over my shoulder. Harley 'oooo'ed and Selina winked at me as Teddy entered my cell. 

"Hello." He smiled at me. I smiled back, my stomach jumping and my heart racing.

"Hello. How are you today?" I asked, picking a book off the shelf. 

"I'm well. I can't wait to get out of here, though." Teddy sighed, looking at the books I had. My smile disappeared.

"Plan on leaving soon?" I asked, trying to mask my disappointment. He nodded.

"Why don't you ever leave? There are plenty of opportunites, these guards are idiots." Teddy asked, gesturing to a guy running around, screaming. I sighed and poked the cold ground with a loose piece of brick. 

"There's nothing left out there for me." I said, placing the book back on the shelf. Teddy pulled my camera from the second shelf and smiled. 

"How about a picture?" He asked, holding it up. I crawled over to him and he placed his arm around my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder and we both smiled. He took the picture and kissed the top of my head. "You always have me." He whispered.

"You always have me." I whispered, smiling through my tears. Those 4 words captioned the memorable picture. "He didn't forget." I placed the picture on the table and put my head in my hands. 

"How could I forget?" I heard Teddy asked behind me. Red had no doubt exited on Teddy's arrival. I stood up and ran over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. 

"Why do we fight so much?" I sobbed. He hugged me back, and kissed my head.

"We are too much alike. It's like looking in a mirror." He said, laughing. I could feel the rumbling and it made me laugh too. 

"Are we ever going to just shut up and stop arguing?" I asked, sighing. 

"No, I don't think we are." He said, pulling me to the couch. 

"I'm sorry about your door." I said, twiddling my thumbs. Edward laughed again, shrugging.

"I'll get it fixed. But you better hope Batman doesn't pop in." He said, poking my arm.

"He'll never find you! I mean, why would he look in the same place twice?" I asked, fake gasping. Edward rolled his eyes, standing up. 

"You should get your stuff inside. It's going to rain soon." He said before leaving. I sighed and walked outside, slowly getting to work.

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