Chapter 17

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~Woo, over a year later. Let's get this thing started, shall we?~

Chase's POV

I groaned softly as my eyes fluttered open, quickly shaking off my fatigue as I realized the situation I was in. Unknown room, IV in arm, strapped to bed, not good. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate, a wave of nasuea rolling over me. 

"Careful, Chase. Be very, very careful." Nigma whispered, looking down at me. I stared at him with fear in my eyes, desperately pulling at my restraints.

"Teddy, what's going on? Teddy?" I begged for him to help, but he stood, staring at me with the same quizzical look he gives his puzzles. He told me to calm down as Crane entered the room.

"Chase! You're awake, excellent! I need to ask you questions, Edward, you need to go." Johnny said, shooing him away. 

"And leave Chase alone with you? You can forget that, Crane. Either I stay, or you find someone else to do this." Edward stated matter-of-factly. Crane grumbled and pulled out a flip phone, quickly dialing a number. After a few minutes of low speaking, he undid the straps around my hands and feet. "My assistant will be here soon, I hope. She'll ask you the questions." 

"She?" I asked, intrigued. 

"Yes, she. Her name is Snow." Crane quickly stood and began cleaning up his tools. 

"Does Lil Johnny have a crush?" I cooed, making cow eyes at him. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Hardly, it's strictly business. Snow is just helping me, she was very interested in my work. She's a student at the university, and you are not allowed to play with her, or I will make your life hell." Johnny snapped, my mouth quickly closing. 

"You know me so well. Did you give Harley, Ivy and Selina the same warning?" I asked, looking at my nails. The paint chipped, damn. Johnny opened his mouth, but closed it when a soft knock struck the door. The knocker quietly shuffled in, standing next to Crane as he looked over his questions. 

"Snow, Chase. Chase, Snow. Here are the questions, just record her answers on this." Crane handed her the paper and a tape recorder. 

"You still use a tape recorder? It's the 21st century, hun, get with it." I smirked up at him as I spoke, his glare striking fear into my heart. 

"Play nice, don't break my assistant." Crane spat out, leaving the room in two long strides. The girl, Snow, took Crane's seat. She was beautiful, her hair and her skin fit her name and her eyes were icy and blue. She should've been breathtaking, but something about her was terrifying, horrible. "Hey, I'm Chase."

"Hello, I'm Snow. Let's get started." She asked me simple questions, my name, age, occupation, then her questions got a bit weird. "Have you ever been exposed to radioactive material? Was it recent?" 

"Not that I know of." I answered, yawning softly.

"What about the Lazarus Pit....?" Snow asked, confused.

"No." That one word cut the air like a knife, causing Snow to glance at me warily. 

"Okay....When did you first realize you were different?"

"I always have been different. Because of my father." 

"When did you realize you had powers?" 

"Like I said, I always have. How the fuck does Crane know this?" Snow ignored me and continued her interrogation.

"Does the name Deadshot mean anything to you? Zeus? Athena?" Snow asked, scoffing at the stupidity of the questions. I stood up and stormed out the room, pulling Crane out of his chair, quickly silencing the conversation between him and Nigma. 

"How the fuck did you know about Zeus? How did you know about Athena?" I screamed, angry tears rolling down my cheeks. Johnny's face paled, completely unphased by the fact that I was lifting him off the ground.

"He was right. Hush was right." Crane wiggled out of my grip and ran to his library. I followed him, grabbing his shoulder. 

"Hush knows about me? Athena? About Zeus?" I whispered, panic in my tone. Crane nodded and pulled out a dusty book.

"You're prophesized. The rise to power of the mighty Athena has been around for centuries. Everyone thought it was the Greek goddess, but Hush decoded it. He found out that it was a person with the spirit of the goddess, not the actual goddess. Not of natural creation. It's... Chase. You need to tell me everything about your past. Hush as well. It's incredibly important." Crane's tone changed as he read the book.

"What, why?" I asked, looking over his shoulder. He pointed to a picture of a woman that looked strikingly like me, but with glowing gold eyes. She was on top of a tall building, stone possibly. A storm of thunder, fire, and rain swirled around her. 

"This is 'The Wrath Of Athena,' your demise. Chase, you're destined to destroy the world."

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