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Mark clicked his tongue in annoyance as a rude customer went on and on about how the order was wrong. With a fake smile plastered on his face he calmly said "im sorry sir, would you like me to redo your order?" The mans face contorted into an unreadable expression " i wanted you to fucking get it right the first time. But yes i wouldn't mind you redoing it mark, is it?" Scuffing quietly mark quickly redid the order. "There you go sir, sorry for the inconvenience" the man just huffed in annoyance and stomped off. I chuckled "damn was he bipolar?, pissed one second then casual the next" he just threw his head back with a groan. "Ugh! I hate this." Before i could reply the door bell rang signalling a new customer. He huffed before heading toward the counter. I sighed as my eyes fluttered closed,
I remember when that annoyed look was directed at me. "YOUR WHAT?!" i gulped before meeting his piercing gaze "i said im dating im jaebum" for a second pain washed over his soft features before he scuffed "the guy who shoved you in the hall yesterday? Hes your boyfriend? You've got to be kidding me" i groaned "im not. I just want to know why when we are alone hes super sweet but put him in school and hes like the devil" he starred at me for a few before his features softened and his words came out barely a whisper "your serious aren't you?" I nodded "youngjae, hes trouble. Hes already abusive. He literally insults you for being gay while being gay, hes the words biggest hypocrite!"  He had a point in more ways than one "hes just scared of what they will think, he'll get over it" he shook his head in disbelief "by giving them ideas?! Setting examples?! Are you that naive?"  A twinge of pain shot through me as my face hardened in anger "why can't you just be fucking supportive?! I know this is probably a really fucking bad idea but i cant help myself, i think i love him. It hurts you know? I want to give him my everything but i can't because he's terrified. Hes absolutely fucking terrified that they will react the same way. Its like a fire burning in him and with even a single thought of being exposed it grows until it consumes him. I just want him to love me, is that so bad?" Tears poured down my face, i heard him sigh before pulling me into a hug "im sorry youngjae, i really am. But you cant save him, not if he doesn't want to save himself. He lets his fear drive him. And that isn't love. Its selfish and cruel. Your a angel to want to stay with him to even venture and say you love him but you have to think of yourself too. You have to be happy. So tell me youngjae are you happy?" I sobbed harder, " not happy." He cursed under his breath "then let him go not because you want to because you need to. Itll be hard and itll hurt like hell but itll get better and ill be by your side through every second of it." My breathing was uneven as i sobbed into marks chest, why didn't he love me? "Shhhh, its okay youngjae. Let it all out. It's going to be okay" mark coed as he drew soothing circles on my back. "What if i can't do it mark?" He gave me an apologetic smile "you have to. He's not going to end it, hes getting what he wants. He has you all to himself in private and in public you dont exist to him. So unfortunately the only one who can end your suffering is you" i bit my lip and another wave of sobs racked through my body. It wasn't fair, i didn't ask for any of this. All i wanted was to be loved by him, to be able to love him. Id tried everything, everything to make him comfortable with who he was but nothing ever worked, with each dreadful day his abuse got worse. Today he'd shoved me into the wall before spitting in my face. Hed been about to kick me when mark came hurling through the halls crashing into him. Mark was right i had to end this.
My eyes snapped open as i let out a shaky breath, mark was standing behind the counter, filling order after order, he hadn't noticed i was still standing there. I quickly walked to the bathroom. Sighing i splashed cold water on my face, a sad smile made its way to my face. I knew he never loved me but i adored him anyway.
I know i update this story more than the others and they really need to be updated but this one just comes so easy. And its a quick write. Ill try to update a different one tomorrow. hope you enjoy, love u!

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