Moving on

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Thank you for everything. You taught me so much about love even if you couldn't give it to me. I'll be away for awhile, sorting my feelings and giving you time to think about yours, of course im only a phone call away. Im sorry things turned out this way but im grateful for the experience.
I gripped the note tightly, he'd never understand how greatful i was for the opportunity to have a great friend like him. I grabbed a piece of paper and carefully wrote down how i felt, just this one time.
That tired hopeless feeling your feeling right now? Ive never gone a day without it. Im truely sorry im the reason your feeling it, but in the long run this is better. Theres this saying "you either say how you feel and fuck it up or say nothing and let it fuck you up" im choosing to let it fuck me up. I cant give you what you deserve nor can i love you properly so im going to ignore my heart. I followed it once and i broke someone, i wont make the same mistake twice. Im really sorry Jackson, but i wont be calling. Thank you for everything, from the support to the love i didn't deserve. I hope this isn't the end of our friendship but if it is then that's okay. As selfish as this sounds if we'd met under different circumstances i would have fallen head over heals for you, i mean i already did but id be able to show it, i wouldn't be a coward.-jaebum.
I gently slipped it into the envelope, i couldn't give it to him but Jr. Could. I grabbed my phone but knew he'd ask questions so i powered it off and throw it on the couch. Id have to go and see jr myself. After thirty minutes of walking i was finally in front of hia house, i knocked "jaebum? I didn't know you were coming by." I smiled " i didn't either if im honest. I actually have two favors to ask" he frowned "what is it?" I took a deep breath "can you give this to Jackson? Its important. My phone is messed up and i thought a letter was better anyway." He slowly nodded "yeah...what's the second favor?" I shifted my gaze to the ground "i have someone id really like to apologize to. But i dont know where they are, you know almost everybody so if you i was wondering if you could find them" he frowned "is something wrong? Your acting strange." I shook my head "i just want to get something off my chest. The person im looking for is choi youngjae, the kid i bullied in highschool. I put him through hell and its been bothering me. I wanted to meet up and apologize but i realize he probably isn't going to want to see me so if when you see him he refuses to meet me give him this. Its a writen apology." He looked at me cautiously before taking the letter "you aren't planning anything stupid are you? I swear to god ill kick your ass if you do some stupid shit jaebum." I laughed "i just want to move on. Thats all. Thank you Jr. Your the best, im counting on you" he just hummed in response before going back inside. I owed it to not only youngjae but jackson to move on, no matter what. Once i was finally back home i began to clean out anything that could remind me of him, even if it hurt. With a heavy heart i put the garbage bag outside and closed the door, everything id kept from our past was in there, not a single photo remained. Then out of pure tiredness i plopped down on the couch and just slept.

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