Flop Date

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We pulled into a empty lot and i glanced at mark trying to figure out what he was doing but all he did was  flash me a smile and get out of the car. I hadn't told mark about my nightmare, what was the point and it would definitely ruin our date. I jumped out of the car and stretched, "why are we in the middle of nowhere?" I said while glancing around "you'll see" was all he said before pulling me after him. When we finally stopped we were in the middle of a clearing surrounded by flowers. To say it was gorgeous was an understatement, "woah" was all i got out as i looked at mark and noticed he'd spread a blanket out. "How did you find this place?" He smiled "after my dad passed i stumbled upon this place driving like a mad man. It helped me relax so i thought id bring you here" i laid my head in his lap "its beautiful mark" he hummed while running his hands through my hair. Just as i was about to say something my phone rang, sighing i answered it.
"Hi this is Jr. Is this Youngjae?"
"It is."
"Great. Jaebum asked me to get in touch with you. Now don't get the wrong idea he only wants to apologize. He said you probably wouldn't want to meet up so i have a letter for you." He wanted to meet up? Maybe if i faced him and settled the past i could move on
"No ill meet him. It'll help me get over the whole thing."
"Okay ill text you the time and place. Thank you for doing this he really needs this closure" i just hung up and groaned "what's wrong?" "i agreed to meet jaebum." i felt mark tense up "you what? Are you out of your mind?" I laughed "maybe, he wants to apologize and i want to get over my fear." He stayed quite and i decided it  was best to leave him alone. After about an hour of silence i threw my arms in the air and sat up "lets just go home. Im hungry and this silence is driving me crazy" he stood and folded the blanket "what is your problem?" I asked irritably "i dont know your meeting up with the guy who caused you so much suffering to the point you have nightmares what do you think my problem is?" I looked at him in disbelief "is it because we dated? Are you jealous" i almost laughed when i noticed his cheeks go a light pink "you are!" He sighed before pulling me into a hug "your so special to me i just dont want anything to happen to you, promise me if something goes wrong or it feels off you'll leave" i snuggled into his hug "of course" we drove home in silence but this time it was a comfortable one,  it was alittle after midnight when Jr. Text me that tomorrow would work for Jaebum and that the time was up to me, i said 1pm worked and we agreed on the little café across the street from my house. My nerves got the best of me as i laid in bed unable to get to sleep, what if he didn't really want to apologize and was going to humiliate me in public? What if he hit me? A whirlwind of pointless questions flooded my head as i sat up and sighed. Tea, tea would help me go to sleep. Mark stumbled into the kitchen "what are you doing up?" I smiled "just wanted some tea, what about you?" He frowned "your lying and i noticed you weren't in bed" i nodded and continued what i was doing till his arms wrapped around me "are you worrying about tomorrow?" I groaned "yes" he tightened his hold "do you want to cancel it?" I shook my head, i have to do this, my nightmares are just to much. "Alright well why dont we watch a movie while you drink your tea and hopefully you'll fall asleep" i grinned And rushed to the living room, flopping down on the couch. We decided to watch a documentary on plants because it seemed like the most boring thing there was, i smiled as i noticed mark was already passed out. It had been a long day for both of us, he told me his past and i agreed to face my fears. My eye lids grew heavier the more they talked, why was there a documentary on plants anyway? Who in their right mind needs to know every plant? I sure dont, was all i could think before i slipped into dreamland.
Guys i suck at dates okay so yeah it was a flop for sure. Also there is only one chapter left before this story is over so thank you to everyone who stuck by me and kept reading!

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