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It was freezing, my entire body shook as i sat up. Pain shot through my body with every movement. My breath came in short huffs, there was something wrong. Glancing around i felt my chest tighten, i was in a box. I pushed on the wooden walls but they didnt budge. I began hyperventilating as panic rose up to fill my lungs. In a last ditch effort i began pounding on the right wall, "its no use youngjae, they wont budge." I froze. No, it couldnt be, he wouldnt. "That's right youngjae. I put you in there. You were going to leave me. Now your all mine." Jaebum. My body went limp as i sunk into a fetal position, there was no use. Id never get out of here. "Oh youngjae, why'd you try to leave me? Your nothing without me, you know that." No, hes lying. Mark will save me. Mark loves me, he truly loves me. "Oh and youngjae? I took care of that persistent mark. He tried to stop me when i was punishing you. Said i had no right to hit you. Your mine, you belong to me, i can do whatever i want to you." No! He couldn't mean... This was some kind of sick joke right? Suddenly the box fell open, revealing a horrifying scene. In the middle of the concrete floor laid a motionless mark, a pool of blood had formed around his body. "Youngjae, your next" jaebum whispered from directly behind me, "noooooo-"
I shot up from the couch with a scream. "Youngjae? Baby? Are you okay?" A groggy mark asked from beside me. I clutched my chest trying to slow my heart rate down, breathing was very difficult. "Baby, talk to me. Your shaking. Your hyperventilating. I need you to focus on my voice. Take a deep breath, thats it. Keep doing that. Im right here." He pulled me into a light hug as my breathing slowly slowed. "" he just tightened his grip on me "youngjae are you okay now?" I nodded "what happened?" I flinched at the memories of thr nightmare. I faked a laugh "oh i just had a silly nightmare. No need to worry, im fine" he removed his arms from me and moved si he was crouching infront of me. " you shouldn't lie. It was a nightmare? It must have been pretty bad. You could barely breath. Im sure you dont want to talk about it so we wont but dont lie and say your okay when your still shaking. How about i make us some tea?" Sighing in defeat i nod. He disappeared into the kitchen as i sank into the couch. It had felt so real, i can still feel the wood against my fingertips. I jumped at the sound of mark placing the cup on the table. "Sorry i didn't mean to startle you, careful its hot" with shaky hands i picked the cup up, a sweet aroma hit my nose. I smiled "its chamomile." He chuckled "of course, it's your favorite." "Why are you so good to me? Im damaged, my past haunts me even in my sleep. So why did you, someone perfecr choose some like me?" He set his cup down "im far from perfect youngjae, we all have our problems and we all have a past. Some are just worse than others." I frowned, come to think of mark had never once talked about his past. "Mark, how come you know everything about me but i know nothing about your past or family?" He smiled "my past is very complicated. And my family well your my only family youngjae. Let's not talk about my past tonight you've been through enough. If your still curious ill tell you all about it tomorrow. Then you'll see im far from perfect." Silence settled into the room as we drank our tea. "Im going to shower, then we should sleep. We are off tomorrow but i want to take you on a date, okay?" I grinned "a date? What did you have in mind?" He laughed "if i told you it wouldnt be a surprise now would it?" I nodded "i guess your right." He patted the top of my head "no need to pout, i promise you'll love it" "fine fine i believe you. Now go shower so we can sleep." He nodded before blowing me a kiss. I shook my head as he danced down the hall, what a dork. I had drifted in and out od sleep waiting for him. I hadn't realized how tired i was till i was only and it was quite. "Tired?" I jumped sightly "yeah" "then lets go. Im ready to cuddle." I tried to stand but my legs refused to function. "What am i going to do with you? I guess ill have to carry you sense your so tired your legs dont work." Before i had any time to protest i was in his arms half way down the hallway. The last thing i remeber was the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around my waist and the sound of his steady breathing.

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