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Sighing i looked down at my vibrating phone, it was mark, again. I just wanted time to think, the tv faded into background noise as i closed my eyes.
"Youngjae!" Jumping i turned "bummie?" He grinned "go on a picnic with me, please" my heart fluttered "whats the occasion?" He grinned "there isnt one, i just wanted to spend the day with you." Smiling i nodded and took his hand. How could someone so loving hurt me so much? Sighing i tightened my grip on his hand, i know im only causing my self pain but i dont want to lose these moments. I was brought out of my thoughts by his hand waving in my face "youngjae? Where here." I glanced around and gasped. A blanket was spread out on the hill, a basket full of food, and a bouquet of roses. "Do you like it?" "I love it! Thank you." He just smiled pulling me toward the blanket. We ate in silence, leaving me with my thoughts. It had been a month since i asked him why he hurt me, a month of hell. Nothing had changed, if any thing it had gotten worse, he'd become more violent. For instance yesterday id walked into the cafeteria and been immediately shoved into the wall. He had poured milk all over me and laughed before pushing me on the ground and walking away. A few second's later mark, bam, and yugyeom had entered and helped me. I knew what this picnic was for, his form of an apology, without ever saying sorry. Pain shot through my chest as my heart broke into a million peices. The more i thought about it the more it made since. He doesn't love me, hes infatuated with me. It was a game to him, see how long he could toy with me, how long he could break me then leave. I'd end this, not now but soon. I wasn't naive, i was just a love sick fool. Only fools fall for Im Jaebum. "Youngjae? You know i didnt mean any harm by the lunch room incident right?" I nodded "i love you, you know that right?" I forced myself to meet his gaze and fake a smile "of course, love you too" problem was, i really do love him. He smiled "i didn't want you to be mad at me." Sighing i set my plate down "im not mad, im hurt theres a difference." He looked confused and shoked "you haven't made any progress, your worse. You humiliate me all the time, and then you pull stuff like this as an apology. I want you to be proud of who you are, of us, of me. I don't want to act like we are nothing when im ready to shout it to the world your mine. If you aren't ready to come out thats fine, lets stop." "No no no. Thats not it. I'll make progress i promise. I want this to work." And i believed him, not because it made since but because its what i wanted to hear.
I jumped at the sound of my front door slamming. "Youngjae? I know your home" it was mark. "In here" he walked into the living room with a frown. "Why didn't you answer my calls?" Sighing i ran a hand through my messy hair "sorry i was just thinking." He nodded "i was worried." I glanced up to see a hurt expression wash over him "im sorry, i wont do it again. No need to worry about me, its not like we are dating." He mumbled something "what was that?" He  groaned before marching over to me and smashing our lips together. I froze before slowly melting into his kiss. He pulled away "i said i worry because i love you." I smiled before answering honestly "i love you too. Im so grateful to you, you've been there for me through thick and thin. You've been my shoulder to cry on and i couldn't have asked for anyone better." He grinned before pulling me into a hug. We stayed cuddled up together on the couch for hours before i drifted off to sleep and for once i didn't think about jaebum.

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