His Past Pt.1

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I just wanted to point out that marks birth parents in this story aren't his real life parents the adopted ones are.
The smell of bacon woke me up, groaning i sat up and rubbed my eyes.  That's right, me and mark have today off and he planned a date. Smiling i jumped out of the bed and made my way toward the kitchen. "Good morning mark" he jumped slightly "you scared me, anyway good morning sunshine. Breakfast will be done soon just take a seat." While i waited, my mind began to wander back to last night's conversation. Marks past, i was curious. It couldn't be that bad, right? "Breakfast is done" mark said from the kitchen. "Coming" he already had our plates made when i entered the kitchen "thank you, it looks great" he smiled "your welcome" i began picking at the food "theres something on your mind. Ask" mark said while shoving a forkful of food in his mouth. "I...well.. Last night you umm..well you said if i was still curious about your past you'd tell me about it. Im sor-" he smiled "of course ill tell you about it. So dont apologize. Let's eat first, it makes me lose my appetite." Frowning i nodded. The rest of our meal was ate in complete silence. "Youngjae, if i tell you this promise you wont let it ruin the rest of today? I really want to have a nice date so if itll bother you we can wait till after the date to talk about it." Sighing i muttered "the curiosity would eat away at me all day." He chuckled "true, okay ill tell you but believe me when i say im fine and i am beyond happy. I have you. Promise me you'll remember that while listening to my past" "i promise" he took a deep breath "okay."
Pain shot through me as he kicked me. "You worthless piece of shit! You never should have been born!" Each breath slowly become unbearable, tears stream down of my swollen face, and my screams? They died in my throat along time ago along with the last ounce of hope i had left. My parents weren't always this way, my father lost his job and well turned to drinking. My mother she turned a blind eye to it for awhile now she can sit and watch as he beats the life out of me. The pain finally stopped as he becomes bored with me "get the fuck out of my sight. No dinner for you!" I almost laugh, there was never any dinner for me. Once i get to my room my legs threaten to give out as i began throwing the clothes i have in a bag. With one last look around the bare room i make my to the window. I've been planning this for weeks, tonight im going to escape hell. As soon as ive thrown open the window i  hear them coming up the stairs, i have to go now or face another beating tomorrow. I jump. And as if by miracle i land unharmed. I can hear my fathers angery yells as he searchs for me. I have about a minute before he releases ive jumped so i force myself off the ground and take off down the street. He'll find me if i cant find somewhere to hide. As i am blindly runnimg forward i slam into a man. "Im...sorry" i cough out as i clutch my side. I have broken ribs im sure and with each breath i feel as if my lungs will explode. "Are you alright?" He asks concern written on his face. "No... Please help.. Me. He's... Coming." As if on cue i hear his angry screams i freeze as pure terror sets in. The man must have notcied because he says something to the women beside him before coming over to me "was that for you? You look terrified." I nod he frowns " our house is just up the road. Let us help you" i nod and start to follow them but my legs give out and i collapse onto the ground. My vision blurs as tears began to fall, "hey now. Its okay. Ive got you. Your okay. Your safe now" the man mutters as he wraps his coat around me and lifts me. My fathers voice is getting closer and i begin to panic, if he catches me im dead. "Relax ive got you. We are here. He wont get you." And for some odd reason i believe him. Something about this man makes me feel at home, i feel safe. As soon as we are inside im laid on a bed "what's your name son?" I struggle to sit up "mark. Thank you, as soon as hes gone ill leave." He frowns "nonsense. My wife went to get the first aid kit for your wounds. We were going to cook some dinner would you like some?" My stomach answers for me as it growls loudly. I couldn't remember the last time id eaten a proper meal. "Honey i found the first aid kit." His wife says as she enters the room "great, can you whip some food up real fast? Poor kid hasn't eaten in days. His names mark" she flashes me a warm smile "of course. Well sweetie your welcome to stay here as long as you like. We don't have any kids and it gets lonely." Before i can respond a loud bang cames from the front door. I go ridget, they have found me. "Stay here. Honey go start the food." The man says before disappearing down the hall. I could just barely make out the conversation " friend of mine said my son came here." "No its just me and my wife. Im sorry." I can hear the growl in my father's voice "i knows hes here. He needs to come home. His mother is worried." I hold my breath as i wait for my savors response "hes not here. Leave. Im sorry you can't find your son but i cant help you." Before my father can reply the door is shut. The man reappears with a frown etched on his face "how did he know?" I sigh "his friends. Or drug dealers are all over the place." His head snaps up "im sorry for asking that outloud." I shake my head "don't worry about it. He will come back so i should leave. I don't want to cause trouble for anybody." As i stand pain shoots through my side causing me to collapse onto the floor "your not going anywhere. Im going to clean your wounds and wrap your ribs. Then your gonna eat and rest. Ill loan you some of my clothes tomorrow and you can shower." He says in a demanding voice sighing i nod. I dont have the energy to argue.
I will continue from here is the next part. Sorry it's so long hope you like it. I apologize for the lack of updates.

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