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Calvin paced around his apartment, wondering if going out to get food was that important. He could just starve to death here at least no one would see him.

It was 9:26pm and he's been worrying about it for an hour.

"I mean, it can't be THAT bad." Calvin said to himself but his conscience just doesn't agree with him, "You know that's what the main protagonists in movies says before things get WORSE." He replied back to himself.

As time passed by, Calvin's list of things about "why going out is a bad thing" grew. But the reason why he should was longer. So Calvin took a deep breath and put on his hoodie and shoes, keeping it casual because fuck's sake he was just going to the grocery store.

So as he opened the door and stepped out his house (his parents are divorced, and his mom works abroad so he was left alone in their house) he felt the cold wind brushed against his exposed skin. Calvin breathed in the air and let out a sigh.


Calvin entered the store, and the hot blow of the heater welcomed him. "Grab a basket." He ordered himself, the command repeating over and over in his head until he finally got a basket. "Eggs." He then went to aisle where the eggs are, but first making sure no one else was there. Unfortunately for him, there was a person there and it was his neighbor, Niall.

Of course he had to be here at the same time and place as he was. Calvin took a deep breath and walked towards where the eggs are, every once in a while he would glanced at the blond. Niall didn't even notice him there which made Calvin let out a sigh of relief once he was out the aisle. "Milk."


Calvin slammed the door of the house shut. He then placed the bags on the counter top and started placing things where it's supposed to be. After all was done, he flopped on the couch. He actually did it.

"Take that anxiety!" He cheered to himself. But what now?


Niall examined the eggs one by one to make sure there isn't one bit that's cracked. When he was examining the last one, a brunette entered the same aisle as he was. Not just any brunette though, it was his neighbor.

He was surprised to find the guy outside at least once. Niall fought the urge to talked to him. Instead, he pretended to not care at all.


Niall entered the door to his parents' house, placing the groceries on the table and went back to the front door to lock it. "I'm home!" He yelled, which he probably shouldn't have since both of them are probably asleep. It's 10:08pm after all.

Careful to not make the same mistake as earlier, he tiptoed to the stairs and to his room. His' parents room however, was downstairs. As he quietly closed the bedroom door he then threw himself on his bed. What now?

+end of chapter one+

author's note : i know i kept using "Calvin" or "Niall" as an opening on every paragraph, idk it's because I didn't want to confuse anyone on whose point of view it is.

Edit!! please let me know if you find any mistakes, Lmao I'd really like to fix them and since I can't have an editor then I'd like to ask for your help :) thanks for reading. Hope this book gets better as it goes.

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