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Calvin sat with the exact same shocked expression, eyeing the blond british dude. He quickly snaps to reality and shakes his head.

"W-what're you doing here?" stuttering, Calvin asked. His voice low and soft, the gaze on Niall not fading any sooner.

"I can say the same thing to you." Niall replied, his thick British accent clearly visible although his words were out in almost a whisper.

The cold wind blowing was the only sound that could be heard afterwards. It wasn't awkward, nor tense, it was just; that.

The silence continued for a few until Calvin decides to break it. "I'm just getting some air." He managed to say, not staring at the other fellow any longer. Niall chuckled and continued to look at Calvin.

"You know, this is a pretty good time to get some air. Peaceful, quiet, windy, not to mention the pretty moon light." He replied with a smile. Calvin find this little pep talk quite interesting, although he hates to admit it, this little talk was one of the longest he's had for ages.

"Uhh.. ha, yeah." Calvin awkwardly stuttered out, "oh god Calvin you're making it sound like you're not interested oh no, fuck, please don't leave, please don't leave-" his thought was then interrupted by Niall's forced cough.

"Well then.." Niall trailed off standing up. Calvin's eyes widen and he was internally screaming, "DONT LEAVE." And as the cold wind blew and sweat trickled from Calvin's forehead, Niall smiled.

"Sorry, bit uncomfortable, had to reposition."

"Uhm, yea, it's okay. So, uh, what are you doing here?"

"Well, thought there was a psycho on our rooftop, had to go check."

"Wait what? You thought there was a lunatic yet you managed to go out here just to check?"

"Yeah, had to you know, plus wouldn't die if I'm the protagonist" Niall smirked and winked. Calvin find this conversation even more intriguing.

"I mean if you think about it, everyone is the protagonist, yet people die everyday."

"Huh, haven't thought of it that way."

After Niall's response, silence, once again, engulfs them. This time, there is no air blowing, or crickets doing their thing, just silence that your ears starts ringing.

Calvin shifts his gaze back in the moon, but Niall continued staring at the brunette as if it was another star. Niall may not realize it but he had admiration plastered on his face.

Calvin then yawned and closed his eyes.

"Niall, what do you think of the universe?" The question startled Niall, his mouth ajar and his mind suddenly empty. Niall struggle to answer.

"U-uh, I-i, I don't know..." that was all Niall could muster. Never once in his life would he question the universe, I mean, what's the point right? It's not like the universe is going to answer you through your dreams or any other absurd way you could think of.

"That's okay, I don't know either." Calvin replied, voice calm and collected.

"nIALL BABY ARE YOU THERE?" A voice called out from Niall's household.

"Oh mom's calling, got to go." Niall quickly said before climbing down. Calvin felt a flash of sadness come over him. "It was fun talking to you, oh! What's your name?" Niall added a question.

"Calvin. Nice talking to you too, er-"

"Its Niall." And with that, Niall got in his bedroom window.

+end of chapter three+

author's note : well that was another shitty chapter soz, also i made another cover! Anddd I update every week now lmao. Thanks for reading.

Edit!! Please let me know if you find any mistakes, I can't afford an editor and I don't speak fluent english! I really need your help, thank you!

(also sorry for all the self pity, that's how I get through life lmao I know, pathetic.)

Lots of love xoxo

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