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Niall's earphone blasted music on his ear as his head moves in sync with the beat of the song.

"This is getting boring," he said out loud. So he pulled out his earphones and turned off his phone, just after that he heard loud shifting noise from the roof. Well not his rooftop, more like the neighbor's.

Niall listened closely and footsteps was the only thing he was hearing. What the hell is the neighbor doing on their  rooftop?

Out of curiosity, he too, climbed out the window and to the ladder that's just beside it.


Calvin finished eating his dinner and cleaning up, now he's in the couch. Endlessly scrolling through twitter, and well, it was really boring.

His eyes shifts into the window, the dim night sky glowing, reflecting. He would love to appreciate the stars from another angle so he decided to go on the rood cause why the fuck not?


Niall's head examined every direction hoping to see nothing was creeping on their rooftop, or below him. And then he noticed a silhouette, sitting on the edge of the roof that was around 5 feet from theirs.

His eyes fixated on the figure and suddenly, it's head snapped at him.

It was absolutely fucking terrifying his heart almost dropped until he noticed the surprised face on the silhouette, which was the brunette guy.

Niall let out a nervous laugh and continued to climb so he could place himself in a comfy position and not the one where he's basically dangling like a spider on the wall.

Once he did, he shuffled on his seat. Looked up at the brunette and said :


+end of chapter two+

author's note : hey guys this was a really short chapter I'm sorry. It's supposed to be a filler and idk what to do now.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes! I don't speak fluent english and I can't afford an editor so I really need your help.

Lots of love xoxo

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