f o u r

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Niall stayed so late after the talk with Calvin that he probably only got 45 minutes of sleep. "There was something about that boy." Niall mutters and it was true, somehow Calvin was the only thing Niall could think of that night until today.

Groaning, Niall got up his bed to brush his teeth. It felt like there was a ton of bricks weighing on his shoulder. He was so tired, (exhausted even) he didn't even manage to take one step before he collapse once again on his bed.


Calvin yawned, what a good night sleep that was, he thought. Wait did "yesterday" happened?, he asked himself. After recalling the previous events he then concluded that it did happened. Happy. That's the only emotion circulating his mind.

Grabbing his phone, he tapped the app "contacts" and there was like 3 numbers there so clearly it wasn't hard to find who he was looking for : Austin. His only friend (if Niall wasn't considered one.) although the two barely talked anymore due to work and all, they were still friends.

The last time Calvin probably talked to Austin was a week ago, and it wasn't even that long. So he decides to hit him up.

Calvin 😤: yo austin i miss u,
[message sent]
[read 9:47am]

Austin ❤️ : srry boo, whats up?
[message sent]
[read 9:47am]

Calvin 😤 : finally talked to the neighbor lmao, he's cute.
[message sent]
[read 9:48am]

Austin ❤️ : gay as fuck
[message sent]
[read 9:48am]

Calvin 😤 : you say it like you don't know what a bitchh
[message sent]
[read 9:53am]

Austin ❤️ : soz for the w8, had to do somethin. and aWh cAlVIN IS GAY AS FUCK
[message sent]
[read 9:53am]

Calvin 😤 : fuck off austin, im telling roman
[message sent]
[read 9:53am]

Austin ❤️ : jokes on u fucker im already going out with him
[message sent]
[read 9:54am]

Calvin 😤 : gAsp, i cant believe u didnt told me im fed uP
[message sent]
[read 9:54am]

Austin ❤️ : whatever, im meeting with him in 5, ttyl fag xx
[message sent]
[read 9:55a/m]

And on that note, alone. He was alone, again but somehow this time he wasn't  bored or anything. Because he's got Niall to daydream about.


author's note : ahhh this is kind of a filler chapter fuck im already running out of ideas. Sorry its been kinda shitty lately lmao, who even is reading this?


Also leafy opened my snaps 2x im fucking deceased.


rooftop ~ leafycynicalKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat