Rain Showers

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As a child, I never understood everybody's hatred for rain, deeming it as something bitterly cold and sharp. For me, I embraced it -even if it resulted in a cold- and walked out into the comforting coolness whenever it fell. When people ask me why I love rain I am always lost for words. An answer is never there, despite the many times the question has been risen with me I still have not discovered the reason. I just simply enjoyed the feeling of small, cold droplets splashing onto my skin, trickling off too only land on the floor. For me, rain showers are an escape from reality. When the rain falls, all stress and pressure disappears and my mind goes for a peaceful wander in a field of tranquillity.

Truly, rain is one of Earth's most beautiful features.



This fanfiction was written like back in 2016 or maybe even 2015, in other words, back when I was just learning how to write. As you'll soon find out, my writing back then wasn't anything outstanding and the plot work and pacing in this is all over the place but I couldn't bring myself to delete this since it is my first ever work.

Anyway, I can't really stop you all from reading this but I do have other fanfiction (and even a original novel) you can read that are much better - I hope.

Despite this, thank you for checking this out and even more of a thank you if you're gonna brave it out and read this ♡♡

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