Trip to the waves part 1

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Since team 7 was official we started taking D rank missions . ( these missions are low ranked missions that genin the lowest rank in ninja take.) We kept taking these missions and they we're so annoying. I was about near ready to kill someone if we had to keep taking these missions.

So team 7 (us) basically went to jiji's tower to get a new mission. He was about to give us a new D rank mission I was about to snap. So I did I yelled very louldly "Gramps I swear if you give us another D rank mission I will snap your neck!!! "

I looked at gramps and he looked like me peed his pants just then. Then iruka sensei yelled at me telling me I can't just demand a higher mission from the hokage. Then gramps had the nerve to nod in agreement. I then had an idea and I would use this idea to get us a higher ranked mission.

I suddenly started speaking with a creepy smile "Even if I tell you the secret to defeating paperwork?? " I smirked after that sentence knowing that I won I'm so evil anyways. Gramps eyes go really wide and he yells "Tell me the secret Narumi!!! " I then said proudly "Then you have to give us a higher ranked mission if I tell you. "

He nods so fast I thought that his head was going to pop off. I then say the answer so simply that it would put Kakashi to shame "Shadow clones. "
Gramps then like at me in shock. Not because I knew the answer because it was so obvious and in front of him the whole time.

After that whole thing he decided to give us at least a C rank mission. Which Is higher than a D rank but, not that high. I wasn't expecting to get an A rank but, I got us a higher misssion so whatever. Gramps then calls in a man named Tazuna and he tells us that we are supposed to protect him. While also sending him back to the wave country from here which is ludicrous. We agree and all say we are going to meet up at the training grounds at 8:30am.

Then Tazuna has the nerve to insult us but, most importantly me he doesn't know that I could kill him. Only if I wanted to...... Which I don't so I'm going to calm down. I then so out loud "Kyuu-chan do you want to eat this pathetic piece of flesh?? "

Everyone looks at me and Kyuu-chan in shock. Mostly Kakashi Sensei and then Kyuu-chan asks sadisticly "Who is the human that I can eat I'm very hungry y'know. " Me being just as bad a Kyuu-chan is I point to Tazuna who looks like he peed himself.

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