Trip to the waves part 2

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After Tazuna looked like he pissed himself . I start talking Sadistically "So Tazuna-san have you learned not to disrespect this team, Kyuu-chan will eat you y'know. "

Tazuna nods his head and Kyuu tells me that she wants to actually walk with us. I smiled knowing that she was becoming less lazy. And so the next morning we we're off. We we're walking and walking and then I saw a puddle now me being me I throw a lightning seal at it. Then two ninjas emerge from the puddle, and they get hit with so much electricity that they pass out. I laugh at there state because it's hilarious how they thought they could surprise attack us.

Tazuna explains how Gato is being extra selfish and crap so we have to help him. Even though we don't have to I really don't care about the leaf village. My parents may have but I don't nor will I ever. So we decide to still go on the mission and then we run into Zabuza. He and Kakashi have this whole monologue going on for their names. Then we have to protect Tazuna blah blah blah. Then the battle between kakashi and Zabuza basically starts but kyuu-chan decides to have her own monologue. Yelling extra loud "I am the great Kyuubi no Yoko and you all don't ignore my amazing demonic presence!!!!! "

I smack my forehead and everyone else sweatdrops. She then said calmly " What they we're ignoring my great and powerful presence and that is not okay!!! "

~Hate Can Change To Love~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ