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    I sat anxiously awaiting my number.  Just having taken my final assessment, I would be awarded my treehouse, team and identification. 
A knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts.  Snatching a envelope from the astonished messenger, I read "Congratulations, Abigail.  You have been awarded the number 4.  Treehouse 1 and sector V are your assignments and location.  We are glad to have you in the KND." 
The Kids Next Door were an international organization set on defeating and eradicating adult tyranny.  To be the fourth best operative in the world of such a prestigious organization was a huge feat. I had even beat my older sister Cree who was Numbuh 11.
    I squealed with joy and rushed off to meet the rest of sector V.
    At the treehouse, they were already waiting for me.  A short, grumpy looking boy lounged on a sofa in the middle of the giant space.  The couch cushion underneath his behind, had a giant 3 printed on it, so I knew that was his number. A girl with super long hair and wearing an oversized green hoodie was playing with a rainbow monkey doll in the corner.  A tall, freckled young man stared out the window, watching all the other children go about their lives.  Lastly, a plump boy with a pair of flight goggles sat reading an intellectual novel.  I knew this boy to be Numbah 1; the best in the world.  The rainbow monkey girl noticed me immediately and dashed over.  Enveloping me into a giant, lung crushing hug, she said, "YAY! A new member!"
    "She's not new, Kuki," retorted the grumpy boy.  I picked up a small accent. Australian maybe?  "She's Numbah 4."
   "I know!" The girl I thought was Numbuh 2 smiled and skipped back to her monkey.  The boy by the window came over and shook my hand.  "Nice to meet you. I am Numbuh 5." he said.
    I returned the greeting and noticed Numbah 1 watching me.
    "Welcome to sector V."
    I stood with my sister watching one of the new recruits try and pass his final assessment.  To be a KND operative, you have to have a number.  Mine was number 4 meaning I was the fourth best in the world.
    I had watched plenty of other possible greats go down to children ranked below 300.  This kid, though, had fought for hours.  Numbah 247 just couldn't contain him. 
    Bald, and wearing a bright red t-shirt, he didn't look like much.  Just as I thought about his possible potential, numbah 247 hit the floor.
    The mystery boy took on another opponent and I could only stare as he took down one after another of our best, elite children.
    As Numbah five lost consciousness, I walked down to the arena.

Codename: Kids Next Door Fanfic- Operation T. E. E. N. A. G. E. R.Where stories live. Discover now