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As the swarm started, I readied the gigantic catapult I had made with spare parts. It even had a setting that allowed it to dig underneath the fence.
Seeing axes, arrows, bullets, and people fly by, I climbed into the cockpit. It was really terrifying out there. I guess that's why I'm the tech guy.
I took aim and fired at an angry mob of teenagers. A huge rock flew out of the catapult bed. Smiling, I pressed another button I had ingeniously added. Fire tipped arrows launched towards the flying rock. Hitting the mass full force caught the thing on fire.
It landed and many of the teens in the area were squished by the weight of my projectile or caught on fire. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that this entire battlefield was made up of grass. It quickly caught the flame and spread. Kids and teens alike noticed it, but knew they couldn't give up fighting.
Now, with nothing to lose, I started continuously firing at teenage mobs. Some would scatter before it hit them and look to see where the projectile was fired from. Thankfully, the smoke obscured their vision.
I heard a thunk and looked to my right. Then, a teenage boy probably about six years older than me and at least 35 pounds heavier, landed through the roof hatch. He scrutinized me. I knew I was already at disadvantage, not knowing how to fight hand to hand without technology and his obvious height and weight differences were a wee bit intimidating to say the least. Apparently, I had drawn too much attention.
Wordlessly, he threw an expertly aimed punch. Colliding with my face I fell. He kicked me in the groin and reached for the controls of my catapult. I couldn't let him get his hands on it.     
    Grabbing a steel pipe propped against the wall, I slowly stood up.  While he observed the controls, I raised the pipe over my head.  I cracked the pipe over his head and he crumpled to the floor.  I pushed him over the side of the catapult.  Time to resume the game.

Codename: Kids Next Door Fanfic- Operation T. E. E. N. A. G. E. R.Where stories live. Discover now