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Walking to the treehouse before school gave me no time to eat breakfast. Starving I stared up at the still dark sky.
"Why couldn't school be later?" I thought.
I wasn't looking where I was stepping because I was sky gazing, so when I stepped on something squishy, my first thought was gum. Gross. Looking at my right shoe, I realized it wasn't gum. It was a piece of cake. There was a whole trail of them up ahead. Every instinct in my body was telling me to run away and ignore the beautiful food. But I hadn't had breakfast. It was impossible to resist.
I snatched piece after piece on my way down the trail. The cake was still warm so I knew it was fresh. I even ignored that signal and kept eating and following.
Eventually, I reached an abandoned house by the side of the road. Cracked plaster and peeling paint gave the entire setting an eerie effect. The front steps looked like they couldn't support a baby. A dog's skeleton lay by a window towards the right of the building. Stepping inside, I did the dumbest thing possible.
"HELLO? Is there anyone here?"
My voice echoed and yet no one emerged. I started feeling a bit lightheaded. Swaying, I held on to the wall for support. Why was I feeling this way? And all of a sudden. I thought back to what else I did today. "Well, I walked to the treehouse, stepped on some cake..." It was the cake! It was poisoned! I knew I shouldn't have eaten it!
As the teenagers carried me off, I hoped the other kids were okay.

Codename: Kids Next Door Fanfic- Operation T. E. E. N. A. G. E. R.Where stories live. Discover now