28 | the ghost and the gargoyle

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A/N: okay! so i have a question. i know i've got like, a million stories going- and i knooooow i should be working on those- not to mention i should be working on TDM as well (sorry for slacking on that, nona. i'll try and write something soon), but i just have so many things i wanna write. if it wasn't obvious, i've grown a bit attached to writing poly fics, and i've got yet another one drafted. it's based off of Tokyo Ghoul and i'm not sure when i want to publish it.. so i figured i'd ask- do you guys want me to publish it, or shall i wait?

. . .

"Sorry-" Nikki said softly, frowning a little as his hand went through Ricky's yet again. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't touch him. It was discouraging.. Nikki had decided long ago that he simply had the worst of luck! After all, Ashley had no trouble solidifying herself to easily pass off as human whenever she so chose. 

Nikki just couldn't grasp the concept of staying solid. It was just so difficult- at least, for him it was. It required so much focus, and he was always too nervous for that. He almost envied Ashley for how easy she made it seem. She never even had to pay attention to it.. It wasn't fair. Nothing could ever go right no matter how hard he tried- everyone else got to be happy.. why couldn't he be happy too?

Ricky's little chuckle made the sadness melt away for a few seconds, though. It was nice to see him not so.. alone. Not as alone as he had been- not as sad as he was. "Don't worry about it," He said with the slightest of smiles. "It's okay. You almost had it that time, but there's really no rush. I mean.. I'm always around, y'know?" He said. 

Nikki leaned back against the arm of the couch. Space wasn't an issue- any time Ricky had anyone else over, it was always a struggle to get comfortable anywhere without getting someone's foot up his ass or anywhere else uncomfortable.

With Nikki being a spirit and all, it wasn't a big deal; because Nikki wasn't solid. It wasn't as weird as it would seem to have a ghost's body parts going through his own- Ricky decided it didn't really feel like much other than the pins-and-needles feeling he'd get if he was sitting the wrong way for too long. It wasn't as irritating, though. It let him know that Nikki was still there- even if he couldn't see him,- and it was actually rather nice to know.

"Thanks for being so patient.." Nikki said, rubbing the back of his neck and offering a small smile. "Thanks for everything." He added quietly. Ricky just smiled back before glancing at the TV, catching a tiny glimpse of whatever scene was ending in whatever movie was on. "It's no trouble at all. I'd rather give up something useless than give my friend up, you know? I'm just happy you're still here." He said truthfully. 

"So am I.. I just wish I wasn't so.. whatever I am. I wish I was solid again- just for awhile, y'know? Ghosts aren't any fun if they can't touch stuff. See now, this is why I can't haunt a bitch- I can't fuck their shit up. How am I gonna stack chairs and play poltergeist if I can't touch stuff?" He said jokingly, flailing his arms dramatically. "Woe is me." He added, blowing a strand of ink black hair out of his pale face before closing his eyes and tilting his head back, arms folded across his chest. "When you die, you better pick a side to go to. Cause this fucking blows." He whined. 

Ricky tossed a piece of popcorn at Nikki, who made a rather odd half squeak half laughing sound when it went right through his head. "Boo hoo," He teased, and Nikki snorted. "Uh-huh, boo hoo is right." He chirped. "Oh, shut up, Casper. You mocking me now?" Ricky joked, and Nikki just gave a hum. "Maybe," He said innocently. 


"Douche canoe."

"I've got an idea." Ricky said after a moment of silence, setting the bowl of popcorn in his lap aside before getting to his feet and stretching his arms above his head before retrieving his phone from the coffee table. 

"Oh?" Nikki asked, tilting his head a bit as he watched Ricky type away at his phone, humming. "And what would that be, huh?" He asked.

Ricky shrugged. "Angelo's pretty powerful. He fixed Devin- so maybe he can pull some freaky-deaky metaphorical voodoo-witchy-magic strings or whatever.. make you solid for awhile.." He said, glancing at Nikki. 

Nikki blinked, nodding a little but not saying anything. What was there to say? He didn't want to get his hopes up.. but if anyone could do anything, it would be Angelo.

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