Chapter 3

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After a short ride with DeShawn, I returned him to the mew, promised him I would come back the next day. Walked inside the castle again, thinking it would be another boring, lonely day. Fortunately, a maid walked towards me, she seemed very nervous as she got closer. "M-Miss, the king wants to meet you..." She said half panicked half shy. I nodded and she took the lead to the meeting room. I wasn't worried about her, I just wanted to know what my dad had to tell me, hopefully no bad news or something, I was trying hard to forget my sister's tragic event. That was surely enough for me.

          The maid leaded me towards the meeting room. Her nervousness made me feel that way as well. Maybe she had heard what my father had to tell me before me... Even though it was too soon to feel panicked, an uncomfortable feeling ran down my spine. The maid opened the doors for me even though I was about to do it. I nodded in thanks and when I was inside she closed the doors in a slam. My father sitting in the same place as always, and my mum next to him. As a sign of respect I made reverence. I never knew if my parents liked that or no. No one else was there but the three of us

"Clementine, my daughter. Please take a seat." My mother said. She seemed to be in a better mood, or maybe she was just faking. I sat in front of my father, some meters away from him. My dad seemed to dislike my choice of where I was sitting, but he didn't do nothing but glance at me. He began with a deep breath.

"You may be wondering why I've called a meeting." My dad began. I nodded as I blinked several times, impatiently.

"This early morning, we got an invitation from the king of Westview, Alastair Burlingame" he added. Again, I blinked several times.

Westview was one of the strongest kingdoms in all the land, maybe in the top 5 in stable economy. I had gone there for a meeting for a peace treaty, and it's been stable till the date. Alastair Burlingame was his king, a 36 years old man, with copper red hair and light brown eyes. I never had the chance to know him but I have had the chance to meet him when the day of the peace treaty had to be signed. 

My father went on, "There's going to be a dance in his castle." 

"What for?" I asked, making an effort in sounding interested. I had to admit I was curious about that, but it's not that I was a person who wasted their time in parties. 

"He wants to invite the heiresses from some kingdoms near Westview:  Oulimore Itraya, Scarwood, Highburn, Ipomoea and Dawnsbury. The reason why he is inviting them is because he is looking for... A queen." He said. I widened my eyes, what caught Alastair's attention? What attracted him? WHY? He was way older than me, and despite it was considered normal, for me, it was just disgusting to marry someone who is way older than you.


"Well. The dance is in two weeks. When the dance is over, he will choose one of the heiresses to become queen of Westview."

"I'M SO EXCITED HOPE HE CHOOSES YOU!" my mum suddenly said.

"I thought you wanted me to rule Dawnsbury?"

"Well... Dawnsbury is already made ashes... The only thing why we are considered 'strong' is because of our army... But our economy is... Ugh... Only nine per cent of the population are nobles... Westview might be a chance to give our people a chance to live a stable life... At least it lasted decades" What my dad said was true. Dawnsbury was an old kingdom that slowly lost everything but the army system, and maybe it would die in three decades more.

"I don't want to be forced into marriage..." I said. I was about to add 'with someone way older than me' but I remembered that those things were normal to my parents and probably everyone out there.

"Clementine... I was forced into marriage with your father... And I grew to love him, and it was the best that has happened to me in my whole life." My mum said with her innocent, calm eyes. A lot of sugar for me... I was feeling that I had diabetes. 

"But mum... Remember the events of my 15's?" I asked. That day was the worst day of my life:

When I turned 15, my father organized a big party and chose 3 guys from noble families. That night I had to dance with the three of them and the one who had the most charming dancing techniques and had the most money would marry me, but before that I had to sleep with the chosen one (weird tradition, I hate it). My father chose one named Zayden Bennett, I was forced into doing that. The next morning he died.

My mother responded with a long sigh, but my dad answered with words instead. "That's in the past, plus, those were lower ranks, having a chance with a king is better." he pointed out. I just wanted to tell him that I didn't want anything with him plus I didn't have any attraction to him.

"Could you read me the letter?". My father smirked,

"I was hoping you asked that." He said, taking out a paper. He read in an eastern accent:

"Dear King Snowmelt:

I'm really thankful that we made that peace treaty before this upcoming event. Next Saturday, I'm inviting heiresses and their families from the kingdoms around Westview to a dance, where I'll choose one of them to be future queen of Westview : Oulimore Itraya, Scarwood, Highburn, Ipomoea, and I want to invite Dawnsbury royal family as well. Clementine, your daughter, has caught my attention: her blue eyes are stunning and remind me of the beatiful evenings and her hair is soft like the night breeze. I hope you accept my invitation.

P.S: I'm sorry for Quince's dead, may her rest in peace.

Sincerely, Alastair Burlingame."

Alastair's note left me pale. When had he touch my hair? Why was my looks the only thing attractive to him? He was worthless, he was just like the others. Well, at least Dawnsbury wasn't the only one invited. I wonder what he told the other kingdoms.

"The party is going to be next Saturday." My mum repeated with a big smile on her face. My dad nodded.

"Mum... Are we going?" I asked, even though I had an idea of what was the answer. My dad answered instead,

"Why are you asking that? Of course we are going!",

I looked away for a moment, turned my head to the floor. "Is this everything you wanted to tell me?", I asked, turning my eyes to my mum then my dad, who sat up and said,

"Your mum is going to tell you what to wear for that night." He said as he turned to her and walked away. My mum smiled at him.

"But the party is in a week..." 

"We know, but I want you to look beautiful for that night. I'd rather have you prepared before it's late." My mum said. I didn't know how to answer, why were my parents anxious about that? Yes, Westview has a very strong economy, but I'm more of a person who likes people for who they are and not what they have or look like, but sadly, most people would like the opposite from me.

I didn't want to get married to anyone who I didn't knew, at least Kieran, I don't care who is it I just have to know him well, but Alastair... He was way older than me and we had not met yet. Even though I didn't show it, I was feeling anxious. My mum began talking but there was lack of my attention.

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