Chapter 12

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"You look tired." Casper said.

      "That's because I am... I spend half of yesterday running away." I told him.

     "From wolves?"

     "From everything."

     "I know I just met you, but would you mind telling me how the heck you ended up in middle of a forest with a torn dress and a half-dead horse? Or at least your name."

     Straightening my torn dress and myself, I raised my chin. "My name's Clementine Snowmelt, future queen of Dawnsbury... Or at least that's what I used to be...." I sighed, but Casper gasped. "Is there something wrong with being heiress?" I asked him and raised an eyebrow.

     His expression showed a little bit of fear. "N-No... Of course not."

     "Have we met before?"

     "Not really... I-I just-"

     "Never thought you would ever meet a royal?" 

     "NO. You don't simply talk of Dawnsbury as if it was a normal kingdom. You see... No... I shouldn't be telling you none of these."

     "Mister, you are making no sense. What is it that I don't know about my kingdom?" I asked him. I was about to add something, but Casper interrupted me, coldly.

     "Find out for yourself." He walked some steps forward. 

      Confusion took over my mind. Maybe whatever he couldn't tell me was something I didn't know, so I didn't worked myself over it, but I couldn't stop wondering why Casper suddenly snapped back that way, not knowing how I truly was. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

     "You know, I could just leave you here with the wolves, but no, I'm not like you or the people in your kingdom." He turned around and aimed at me with his musket.

     "What the heck?! Put the gun down!" I ordered raising both of my arms.

     "I could just shoot you and avenge my daughter... But no... I'm not like-"

     "Put the gun down." I repeated, "I don't care where you come from, and I have no idea who is your king, but don't you dare to talk to me like that. Put the gun down." I said walking forward intimidatingly, even though inside I was telling myself to walk back. "I'll let you know I have no idea what you're talking about, but it seems that you have something against my kingdom, but, as you know, I'm probably not responsible for whatever happened to your daughter." I hissed.

     Casper looked at his gun and his hands began trembling and threw the gun away with anger. 

     "Now, kneel down and apologize." I said and slowly walked over to the musket. No... I guess I'm going too far... I thought, and tried to apologize before he could do that, but Casper did as I told him to. 

      "Sorry..." He lowered his head miserably. Now I felt awkward. 

     I touched my chest with my fingers and looked down. "Get up, I didn't really mean that, please." I took the musket and handed it to him. "I'm really sorry..."

     "At least you're kind." He snapped as he got up and took the musket. "That's not how I thought the peasants from Dawnsbury would be."

     "Excuse me, I'll remind you I'm not a peasant." I told him, "I know what you mean, but... Why so much hate?" I asked him. 

     Casper's green eyes began glittering, was he about to cry? No, I didn't need this now, but I could tell by his look that the reason why he hated Dawnsbury had something to do with his daughter. "Clementine, listen to me." He said, straightening himself, "If anyone plans to take you away without your consent, run." 

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