Chapter 6

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My first day was tough, because Alastair was getting really flirtatious, I made my best to keep my guard and my heart stoned, it was easier than blinking.

          "You really need flirting classes, because you are making a terrible job at it." I would say every time he attempted to flirt with me.

           It was the second day, the day of the dance, in other words. I was getting ready, this time by my own. No hairdresser this time or someone bothering me, even though I was offered the help. I don't know how I managed to convince them to leave me alone.

            I put on a cute blue and white dress with white lace (I love lace so much). I packed my favorite dress secretly, just in case. I was planning on using it for the dance but it was kind of provocative in some way. I looked at myself in the mirror, it was an acceptable look for me, even though I chose my worst dress. 


            Nighttime arrived, I was supposed to go to the dance hall, of course, I was refusing in my mind as I walked to there. Looking down. I was expecting to see both of my parents there. A tear wanted to fall from my right eye, I was trying to hold it back, because once the first tear falls on the floor I would collapse into tears. I slid my hand on my face to dry the tear away, but another tear was ready to fall down from the other eye. I knew it wasn't a big deal right now, but I was scared of everything. I was shivering while crying.

             "Clementine? Are you alright?" I heard Kieran say. I turned to look at him, more tears fell. He trotted towards me and grabbed my hand. "What's wrong?! Did someone hurt you?" He asked highly concerned. I shook my head.

             "I-I don't want t-t-to go-o." I said, trying to sound clear enough for Kieran. He took my other hand, and thought for a moment while he looked down at my hands.

             "Mayb-Maybe we can skip the dance...!" He said, then looked up at me. I nodded in pain. I knew this would bring trouble for both of us, but I wanted to skip the dance in any way possible. Kieran was my hero right now. "Follow me." He said. He guided me outside while grabbing my hand. We stopped under an oak tree, gigantic, by the way. He sat down and asked me to do the same by patting the floor several times. 

             "T-Thank you..." I said, Kieran looked at me with mournful eyes, showing concern for me. "You-You-We are going to get in trouble..." I said. He nodded slowly.

             "I don't want you to feel bad, Clem. I would do anything to see you happy." He said, smiling. That sounded flirtatious, but I just nodded in thanks. Kieran looked up, his dark eyes glittered with the moonlight, like mine. "The moon looks really weird tonight." He said. The moon was completely yellow, that color in the moon was rare, beautiful, entrancing. Kieran had this weird obsession with the moon and its color. Just by looking at Kieran showing interest in the moon's color warmed me up inside. His face looked really cute. He sighed and looked back at me. "What do you think it's going to happen next?"

              I lowered my face, "I don't want to get any ideas, I just know we are getting in deep trouble." I said adding a yawn. 

              "Woah, it's not even midnight and you're tired already?!" He said mockingly. I looked up smiling, I let out a small giggle. "Want me to take your room?" He offered. I shook my head.

                "We just got here, I need fresh air." I said as an excuse, plus, I was lazy to walk to my room or move a single muscle, despite the cold. After a long, uncomfortable silence, I decided to speak and break it. "Kieran... I don't want to be choosen." I said. 

                   "Well... I honestly have no opinion in your situation. It can't be that bad, I guess." He said. I let out a long sigh of frustration.

                   "I DON'T love Alastair, and I doubt I'll love him truly. He's been so annoying lately, he attempts to flirt with me and it's disturbing. I just want to go home, and sleep on my bed, I want to check on DeShawn, he must be worried without me or you taking care of him." I said, widening my eyes.

                     Kieran lowered his head, "I will definitely go back to Dawnsbury, no doubt. I'll take care of your horse when you are absent, just like always." 

                     "DeShawn is not a simple horse, he is my best friend, my family."

                      "I thought I was your best friend."

                       "Well, animal best friend." I said rolling my eyes. He giggled.

                        "When do you think the dance will be over?"

                        "It's obviously going to end past midnight." I said with confidence, "There's no dance that ends early." I added, "I hope they haven't noticed my absence, I hope they're not looking for me."

                        Kieran sighed, "I think they're just wondering where are you, Alastair never mentioned that going to the dance was obligatory, so just use that as an excuse." I nodded at his words, hoping in my mind that would work.

                        After that we remained silent until the end of the dance, we looked up at the starry night. 

                        "Let me help you get to your room." Kieran said at last. I nodded as I got up from the ground. He took my hand and guided me inside cautiously. "There are going to be plenty of guards patrolling at night-"

                           "I know that, I LIVE in a castle." I whispered interrupting him. He ignored my comment and looked around. I was smart to know that Alastair had probably noticed my absence, which could mean he added more guards for night patrol, or at least I found him capable of doing that. I mean he was a douche but not that stupid I guess.

                           We went through some guards together, I hoped none of them had noticed us or anything. We arrived to my room, and I let him in just in case. I stood up for a second beside me.

                        "Um... Your room's a mess..." He said with the full intention of making me uncomfortable. I sighed and nodded.

                       "Don't worry, I'm not messy. I just had a rush and forgot to pick up everything." I said in a low tone. I turned to him and looked away, "Thank you..." I said.

                        "Um... I pretty much put both of us in trouble, why are you thanking me?" he asked. Half of what he said is true, but I couldn't help but to be thankful for making me skip the reason why I came here. 

                        "Well, probably my chances of getting chosen decreased?" 

                        "I honestly doubt that, don't get your hopes up." He said, adding a long yawn at the end of his sentence. 

                       I sat down on my bed, "You should head to your room." I said looking down. He gave me his mournful stare. "Don't worry about me, I'll create an excuse, I guess I'm pretty good at deceiving people." I added, smiling weakly. 

                       "If you need me, just head to my room. I suppose you know where it is." He said. I thought for a moment, trying to recall whether I knew or not, after that I looked up and shook my head. Kieran sighed. "Then just call out my name, I'm a great listener." I rolled my eyes at his comment, but I nodded. "Well, then see you tomorrow, Clementine. Good night, sleep tight." He said.

                       "Good night, Kieran." I said smiling at him. He turned around and headed out of my room, closed the door gently. I changed my clothes into a victorian nightgown, then tried falling asleep, making an excuse while I was trying to fall asleep.

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