Chapter 11

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Running cautiously through the hallways of the castle, I looked for Kieran. He never told me where he could possibly be. I was feeling an urge to call out his name. As I ran through the castle, I tried picturing both of us running away from the walls of Westview, but that, for some reason, wouldn't come in my mind, as if someone was forcing that image out of my mind.

     I ran past the stables. At least I knew where to go now after I found Kieran so that our escape would be easier, but the challenging part would be trying not to get chased by guards, or Alastair, if possible. 

     Exhausted, I began jogging slowly, looking around all over the place, even up in the sky as if I was to find Kieran flying over me. When I finished inspecting the area I was in, I noticed this was a place I'd never been before. It seemed I wasn't anywhere near the palace. There was an old path of stone covered by moss, and I began following it. From afar, water flowing could be heard, and there was a wall covered by ferns, and I sensed movement. Before inspecting the wall, I felt the ferns, how lovely they felt. Then I looked behind the wall, what I saw was horrifying. 

     A woman, unknown to me, was kissing a familiar face, yes, it was Kieran. The woman was blonde, and when she looked back to see me, her face turned into a grin, making me believe she had done that on purpose. My eyes were about to pop out of my face. I felt my heart receiving multiple stabs coming from everywhere, cutting my circulation. My legs felt numb, but I couldn't move, nor fall to the ground. 

     "Clementine! It's not what it looks like!" Kieran gasped, pushing the woman away, gently. He reached for my hand, but when I felt him rose it, I slapped him. 

     "You scumbag!" I cursed, "She might be prettier than me, but I don't deserve this kind of things, do I?! Answer me Kieran, do I deserve this?!" I hissed as I grabbed him from the shirt, "Look at me in the eyes, don't try looking away or else I'll throw you from a cliff. If you tell anyone what I'm about to do, I promise the first thing I'll do after that is chase you down, you hear me?" I threatened and pushed him. I looked u p to see the lady, who was shocked, "As for you, miss. I don't know whether you did this on purpose or not, the same goes for you." I warned calmly and walked away, like a queen should do. 

     When I was ten meters away from the wall, I heard running. I looked back and I saw Kieran chasing me. I began to run, as challenging as it was to run in a dress. I took off my shoes to make the task easier, or at least, I thought it would. Trying to ignore the pain of being barefoot in a garden with little stones hiding on the grass, I looked for the stables once again. I didn't check how far Kieran was from me, I didn't dare to look back. 

      Finally, I saw the stables. I tried opening the doors without looking back, and when I was inside, I picked a horse that looked young, to me. I saw a gray-speckled-and-white clydesdale. There was a saddle hanging from a wall and I took it, then a halter, took it too. I put both on the horse. 

     I quickly ripped off some parts of my dress and mounted the horse. I took some of the ripped cloth with me in case of future injuries. I saw the door of the stable opening, panic instantly took over. I saw Kieran blocking the way out.

     Run him over...  I told myself with narrowed eyes. This time I could picture that moment, how glorious it felt. But no. The horse decided to walk past him. Even though I could've kicked the horse's belly to make it gallop. Kieran just got out of the way as if he wanted us to leave. It was weird. As the horse walked out of the stable, I tried avoiding eye contact with Kieran. Once the horse was completely outside, I kicked it's belly, and I was expecting it to jog, but no. One kick was enough to make it gallop to who knows where. I had never gone to such speed, and I tried taking control of the horse. I tried rein in, but I was more focused in not falling from the horse. 

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