Chapter 3

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 Demi's POV:

I was once again walking to school. Of course no smile on my face, I mean I have no reason to smile. I didn't talk to my friend for a long time, my family is breaking down and Zayn is also being a jerk. I opened the door to my school and saw in the corner of my eyes some boys from my class. I tried not to look sad but I guess I failed. I sighed looking down and walking upstairs to our classroom, of course the door was still locked and I had to wait. Today I wasn't in the mood to even talk to Emily, the only girl I like in this class. So I walked to the opposite corner sat down and started to drift of in my own world, where everything is all right. Just when I really started to zone out my teacher walked past me. I realized everyone is now here, Emily, David, Sandra, everyone including Zayn. I stood up taking my bags walking past this jerk and getting in class. I sat down on my seat and looked out of the window, a day I could damn about. A day I don't need. A day I just want to skip, to forget. I sighed, I didn't really pay attention to all but then everyone was asking for a notebook, a laptop and I was kinda confused but said. 'Uh, I got my laptop with me.' My teacher asked me to bring it to him because one of my classmates did a presentation with power point and my teacher got apple. So it's not working with his laptop. I tried to do it with my laptop but my mates presentation was password locked. I smirked turning to him and whispering so only he could hear me. 'Why don't you just admit that you forgot to do the presentation? Instead of acting it's password locked? Acting like you're stupid?' He glared at me. 'Just shut up nerd.' I rolled my eyes and said loudly. 'Why don't you try to do your presentation at another computer instead of acting like you don't know why this is password locked? Little stupid liar?' I took my laptop and got back to my seat. Like I said I had my bad day and you don't mess up with Demi Lovato when she's having a bad day.

I had a feeling that someone was staring at me the whole time and I was right. Zayn, Zayn Malik looked at me once a while. Why? Why got he be like that? Sometimes jerk sometimes sweet? Why? I mean who needs this bullshit?! Anyway I didn't give Zayn even a gaze. I kept looking down, ignoring the fact that I was nearly crying. The bell rung and I was the first one running out of class. I couldn't take it any more. Being with him in the same class. I sighed sitting down at my usually place with Emily. 'Want to go out?' I asked her but she shook her head. I sighed. 'Okay, listen if I get you a sandwich will you go out of this building with me?!' She nodded. I got her a god damn sandwich and we got out of the school, fresh air that is what I needed. I turned smiling around seeing Zayn, my smile turned into a frown and I turned back around ignoring this jerk. 'So Dems how about we find a boy for you?!' I laughed. 'You want to look for a boy for me?' I asked her and she nodded. 'Okay, I want him to have dark brown hair, tall, and of course having a good body, he has to be nice of course. Okay now look for one.' I laughed once again. She looked around and pointed to one, who looked like a punk. I laughed really loud looking away from it, seeing Zayn looking at me. I directly stopped laughing turning quickly back around and saying. 'You know what Em, I don't search for a boy, he has to find me!' She giggled and the bell rung. I turned around with Emily and walked back to class.

Our teacher wasn't there, so we had to wait for him once again. I put my bag down and leaned against the wall looking at the ground. Even though Emily got me to laugh, my day was still bad. I sighed looking up and seeing Zayn, David and the rest of the clique coming. I ignored them and walked to class because the teacher came. I sat down on my seat and waited for everyone else to come. I saw Zayn talking to David and looking at me for a second. What was up with this dude today?!

Our teacher left and said that when he comes back he wants one of us to present the book we decided to make a presentation about. I sighed, I was ready to do it. I prepared myself for it while everyone else made bullshit. Our teacher came back and gave us some papers. Then he said that I could start. I took a deep breath nodding. I stood up taking my laptop, my book and my notes. I walked to the front taking a chair. I was sitting in front of Zayn and David. 'Okay, uh my book is written by Kerstin Gier and it's called..' I got interrupted by a classmate. 'Who has written this bullshit?!' I didn't know how to react to this but my teacher did. 'I will not accept this! If a classmate of you tries to get a good grade I want you to respect her! And if you don't I will kick your ass out of this classroom!' I slightly smiled and continued. After 15 minutes I finished. The teacher gave me the feedback I wanted and I got back to my seat. I got a B! That's good enough!

Wasn't meant to be a short Zemi Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora