Chapter 4

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Demi's POV:

'and every time you're close I shiver, shiver, sh-' I turned off my phone. Groaning and moving to the other side facing the wall. I don't want to wake up now. I had such a great dream, about me and Zayn. 

I moved on my back and stared at the ceiling thinking about him. Idiot. Was all I thought. At 6am I got up – 1 hour too late. I got quickly all my clothes and went to the bathroom, made myself ready. I got out after 15 minutes, put some make up on, especially on my eyes and went out to the bus. I got in my bus and drove to my school. I suddenly started smiling, not really knowing why.

I got upstairs to see Alex and Philip already being there and also Emily!! I smiled more and went to her. 'Morning.' I said. 'Morning' she replied smiling. I put my bag down waiting for the rest. After a while some of them came, around 5 more, also Sandy. 'Morning.' I smiled happy. She laughed. 'Not that much people here or?' I laughed and nodded. 'Not really girl.' Now our teacher came and still most of the students weren't there...??? Where the hell are they?! We got in the classroom. I sat down on my place and just 5 minutes later the rest came finally and with rest I mean, Zayn, David, Kevin and Jonas, and and and anyway. I was concentrated on our teacher, not looking at Zayn for once, still I was mad at him.

Like always our teacher would gave us some work and leave after it then. We were alone when David sat next to Zayn and Kevin, next to me. 'Hey, Demi, how about we switch groups on Monday?!' I looked confused at him. 'Why!?' He smiled and said. 'Cause I don't wanna stay at school so late, so I thought we could change groups, so I stay up early and you stay school late?' I was caught up of the moment and said. 'uh..' then I saw Zayn looking at me. 'Wait, Zayn is in the second group right?! Well then no thanks David.' with that I turned to Emily ignoring them. 'Why do you act like I'm not here?!' Zayn said kinda mad. I turned around and said. 'How do you want me act then?!' But he just shook his head. I rolled my eyes and turned to Emily.

It was now break time and I needed to talk to my teacher, and it took longer then I thought. I was 30 minutes too late for English! But I couldn't just cut off my teacher and go to my class! So I staid polity and went to class 30 minutes too late. Everyone was looking at me when I walked in and my teacher asked. 'Where were you Demi?!' I just replied. 'I had to talk to Mr. Brown.' and with that my teacher nodded and I sat down.

English went by fast, really fast maybe because I missed most of the lesson?! Now we had break once again and afterwards we would have GYM! How I hate GYM! Anyway, Emily, Sandy, Miley and me sat in front of the building, talking about Miley's ex Liam, he lied to her, and when she was maybe-pregnant he broke up, ass I know! Anyway, we kept talking when I saw Zayn, David and Kevin coming to us from behind, Kevin tried to scare Miley and said loud. 'BUH!' but failed big time so he put his bag down just like Zayn. I took my bag and started to walk with the girls because the teacher already came, 'Why are you putting your bag down?!' I asked JUST Kevin. He turned around and saw the teacher. 'ugh, this maniac is already here?!' He took his bag just like Zayn and started to walk, I looked at Kevin shocked. 'Did you call our teacher maniac?!' Gosh he has no respect! 'me? No, who said maniac?!' With that he walked away. The girls were already gone too and David – who appeared out of nowhere – said. 'Where is the class?!' I looked at him and said. 'already waiting at the door you know.' He nodded and asked. 'why?!' I shrugged and replied. 'maybe because they want to fawn?!' I heard a quietly 'fawn? Not really girl' from behind me. I turned around and saw Zayn. 'What do you want?!' I said pissed and he just glared at me. I looked at David and said. 'This boy is hating me!' Zayn gasped. 'Me hating you? You were the one who didn't want to switch groups with David just because of me!!' I rolled my eyes and said. 'I didn't really mean it dude.' The moment when David was gone Zayn asked, 'What is wrong with you Demi?' 'I don't know what you mean Zayn.' I replied starting to walk to the building, he walked next to me. 'You know Demi, when you said you don't wanna change the group with David, just cause of me, I asked myself, What did I do, that this girl is pissed at me,' he looked at me. I gulped. 'Zayn, I'm not pissed at you.' I replied quietly. 'What happened Demi? I mean at the beginning of school, we talked, talked a lot! And I made fun, and you told me to stop, so we stopped talking.' I nodded. 'and this is the problem, Zayn, I said don't make fun of me, not stop talking to me, you know?' he nodded getting quickly to the door, so it won't close. We walked in and the boys left in their change room and the girl in theirs and the teacher in his. Me and Zayn alone in the hallway. 'You know Demi...Mike told me something...that you talked about me behind my back...' I looked at him. 'What?!' He shook his head. 'Just forget it.' He was just about to open the door for the change room when I stopped him. 'Zayn, if you wanna fix have to talk to me first.' I looked at him with pleading eyes. 'Well, Mike told me that, so I don't even know if this is true but...he said that you called me an idiot. You once did in front of me andd you know how much I hate it to be called like this but did you do it behind my back again?' I got widen eyes, Oh shizzle I really called him this once, when I was mad at him. 'I would never say that Zayn! And you should know that!!' He blushed. 'Sorry, I just thought it was true.' I sighed. 'You can be really a pain in the ass Zayn' I said. He chuckled. 'I know, I know.' He looked at me and said. 'Peace.' and opened the door for the change room and got in. 'Oh Zayny! Is here.' I heard all the boys say when he walked in. 'Peace.' I whispered smiling , then I turned around and knock on the door, the girls opened it, pulling me in, wanting to know what happened. I laughed and told them every single detail....moving on from Zayn?! No way in hell. 

So, whatya think? Don't forget this is based on a true happening and I don't want to add something that didn't happen so I hope you still like it! If so please vote, comment and follow. :)


Wasn't meant to be a short Zemi Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora