Chapter 9

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Demi's POV:

I was laying on my bed, eyes closed, knowing my alarm clock will ring in every minute and again, Kelly Rowland sung ''Invincible''. I groaned. I don't wanna wake up now. I turned off my phone and kept sleeping. After 30min my dad walked in. 'Demi, don't you have to wake up?' I looked at him with sleepy eyes, 'No, I still have 30min.' I lied and turned around, my dad believed me and left my room. I continue to sleep 5 more minutes before I stood up, took my clothes and disappeared in the bathroom. After I got ready, my neighbor rung the bell. I opened the door and left, without saying something, they were sleeping anyway. I walked down the stairs to my neighbor. She had today the same school time like me. We walked to the bus talking about random bull shit. We waited for the bus and it came but none of us moved. Then the bus drove off and I looked at my neighbor and said. 'Why the hell didn't we get in this bus?!' She looked at me and shrugged. I sighed. Great now the both of us will be late. We waited for the next bus that came and drove to the city. Then to my luck there was a car accident and the ambulance had to park in the middle of the street. I groaned and said to my neighbor. 'Why now?! Why today?! Why us?!' She just shrugged calling her teacher. I sighed. I felt bad for my neighbor, her teachers are strict and today they went to visit MY school!! Cause today my school had an Open day and every school was visiting my school. And she was too late. I don't care if I'll be late, I won't get in that much trouble, but she, damn, her teachers will call her parents, and then she'll be grounded for a week or more. Then we finally arrived, we run as fast as we could to the train, but still we were too late. I sighed loudly looking at my neighbor. 'Lets take the bus!' We run quickly to the bus got in and drove off to my school.

I got out of the bus, waving a last time at my neighbor. 'See you later.' With that I walked quickly to my school. Arriving at the door I saw two of my classmates smoking. 'Am I too late?' I asked sarcastic. 'nah just a few minutes.' one of them replied. I laughed lightly. Just a few minutes? I was one hour too late. I waved at them and walked up to my classroom. I walked in and saw that everyone was cleaning the room for later when the people will come in to see what you do in this school. I put my stuff on my seat and turned around seeing Zayn! He looked tired and sleepy, he looked at me still tired, after a second, after he recognized me, he smiled lightly. I shook my head smiling. 'Why are you shaking your head?!' He asked. I sighed. 'Cause I'm late dude!' Then I walked to the teacher. 'Uh, I'm sorry but I'm la--' he interrupted me. 'late, why?' I sighed trying to explain why, but he didn't listen. I rolled my eyes secretly and asked. 'What should I do now?' He looked at me and said. 'Get on one of the computer and start working.' I nodded and did what he said. After a few minutes of working my teacher called me saying I should put my stuff in another room. Emily showed me the room and I got quickly back to work. Everyone was working at the computers, just Zayn was drawing at his seat. I sighed, why is he there and I'm here?! I wanna talk to him. The teacher left, my chance, but no I didn't have the guts to walk to him! GAH DEMI! COME ON! I sighed. Joe started talking loud and guess what?! They were talking about dicks -.- Then he said dick loudly and Zayn lifted his head and said. 'I heard my name?!' We all started laughing hard. He looked at me and said. 'I did not allow you to laugh, did I?' I raised one eyebrow, dude say what!? He smirked at me and got back to work. I stood up and walked to him. Before I could even say something he said. 'Yes I forbid you to laugh Demi.' I crossed my arms over my chest. 'And who do you think you are to say that?!' He stopped drawing and looked at me. He shrugged and kept drawing. Then Joe came to us and sat to us and started talking, he's the last day here. He will leave us in a few hours. Luckily! I don't really like him. I got my phone out checking if I got a message from my neighbor, and I did! I read it, then Zayn said. 'Don't act like you're reading a message, you got no friends.' I looked up at him and pushed his head lightly. 'oh shut up!' He looked at Joe and said. 'She just did that so she could touch my wonderful hair.' I laughed and said. 'Freak.' He looked at the window, fixing his hair. I giggled and said. 'Like a girl' Joe laughed and Zayn glared at us. I looked at what he draw and said. 'Uh I don't wanna hurt your feelings Zayn, but this looks like shit.' I grinned at him. Joe laughed and said. 'Yeah, look at this Zayn!' I shook my head. 'What are we supposed to do with you Zayn?!' I laughed lightly. Joe looked at me. 'What time do we have?' I checked my phone and talked to Zayn again. 'I mean look at this Zayn, erase this and this and this, and then draw it again.' I pointed to his paper. He laughed. 'I'm not finished yet!' I grinned. 'yeah, just another lame excuse.' Joe looked at me. 'The time?!' I blushed. 'Oh sorry, It's 10am.' He nodded and said. 'thanks!' then left, I turned and smiled at Zayn. He smiled back. I looked at his paper. I pointed at it saying. 'Keep working dude!' He looked at me. 'Why don't you go and work?!' I shrugged, 'I'm done already.' Then we started one of the most amazing conversation. He asked me about my family and I asked about his, and wow he opened up his life for me, he told about everything, and I mean REALLY everything!!! I was just enjoying this, spending time with Zayn, even though I know, it doesn't mean the same for him. I'm probably just another girl in school for him, but I don't care, for me, he's something special. Our teacher came back interrupting us, 'Demi already done working?' I nodded, 'well then show me.' I sighed waving at Zayn and walking to my computer, showing my teacher my work. He wasn't satisfied and I had to do it again.

I was working, when I heard Zayn talking, he was near me! I saw from the corner of my eye that he was talking to Alex, who was just sitting next to me!!! I tried my best not to turn to him. After a while he left again. I sighed, just another girl for him. I kept working when he was once again there, this time I fucking turned to him! I took all in me and turned to his way. And to my luck after a while he sat down on a seat across me and we talked. Then while we talked he got at the round table in the middle of the class and I followed him, since we were in the middle of a conversation, we talked about so many things, but most of all he talked about his life, his childhood, his mom, his brother, and I? I was just sitting there, listening to his amazing calmly voice. I could listen to him the whole day, the way that he had all the time a smile on his face when we talked, made me smile too. I rested my head on one hand and looked dreamily at him, well I tried not to make it that obvious, but I think I failed. We talked about a serious his brother had to go to jail for no reason, but then he grinned looking past me. I turned around to see a few classmates dropping quickly their hands. I looked confused at them and turned back to Zayn and quickly back to them, just to see how they drop their hand once again, I turned to Zayn. 'What are they doing?!' He chuckled lightly. 'Nothing you'd know.' I raised my eyebrow. 'Zayn, I'm 17 not 12! Now tell me!' He sighed. 'Okay, they made this.' He said while making his finger like a heart. I was melting inside of how cute he looked when he did it, but glared at our classmates, so immature. Zayn continue to talk. 'You know Demi, they never saw a girl and boy talk normal, without any other thoughts.' I smiled at him, sometimes he can be really mature...but just sometimes. We kept talking and before we knew, school was over.

I was kind of sad, knowing that as soon as we leave this building he won't even look at me. I sighed packing my stuff, I looked at his table and saw his pencil case, I smirked taking it away. 'HEY!' He said. I just shrugged walking out. A way to keep him at my side right? Just then when he followed me I noticed no one was there but the two of us. I turned to him, giving him his pencil case back, and again we talked, oh I love our conversations, their not awkward. I know we had a lot of low moments but I guess he doesn't even saw the moments as I did. All the heartbreaks I went through because of him and now we talk like nothing ever happened! I nudged him and said, 'See, if you had a driver license you could have drove me home!' He laughed. 'Oh, you think I would have done it?' I smirked nodding, he shook his head chuckling, what was surprising me, he kept walking next to me, he was taking once again the longer way home, … so we can talk longer?

We both were focused on our conversation, when someone drove past us honking, Zayn looked back lifting his hand, then turned back to me. 'Who was it?' I asked. 'Oh just David.' I smirked. 'See he has a car, I should be friends with him, instead of being friends with you!' he chuckled. 'first, it's the car of his dad and second you think we're friends.' I faked a laugh, to hide how fucking much he kind of hurt my feelings. 'What are we then?' I said low. He shrugged chuckling, 'You're my bully victim?' My jaw dropped, WHAT?! I glared at him, he took a few steps away from me, saying laughing, 'I'm kinda scared.' You should be I thought. I thought we talked about the making fun of me thing already? I thought it's a closed case! I think I was wrong. I glanced at Zayn. Yes I had a crush on him but was he good for me? After a while we were walking close to each other again. I almost fall down and he laughed. I glared playfully at him. 'Would you catch me if I fall?' I asked, he shook without a second thought his head. 'OMG!' I said. 'Wait.' he said thinking, 'No I wouldn't.' I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe what he said. He nudged me, 'Good bye?' I looked over at him and nodded. 'See you tomorrow.' He said turning to leave. I grabbed his arms and said. 'Don't, don't say that, cause the last time you said see you didn't come to school.' I let go off of his arm, he nodded and we walked our separate ways home.

I walked to the bus station. Should I tell him about my feelings? So many times I feel like he feels the same for me but then he's so mean to me sometimes. I'm scared just so scared to be rejected by him.

Heyo, do you think Demi will tell him? Or keep her crush for him forever a secret? Don't forget to comment, vote and follow :)


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