Chapter 6

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Demi's POV:

I sat down on my bed with my laptop logging in in Facebook, unfortunately Zayn got no Facebook, not like I would have add him as a friend, I'm way too shy. Anyway I looked in and got a new friends request?! Who could that be? I clicked on it and it was Miley, I smiled and accepted the friendship, we directly started to talk and chat, comment, like and so on, then I changed my status in 'Everyone is getting a boyfriend...I want too.' and Miley immediately commented it saying. 'How about David or Zayn?' and I replied with. 'DAVID?! NO WAY IN HELL!' and she replied quickly. 'Zayn?!^^' I blushed not replying any more.

-Next Day-

the next morning I was waiting for Emily, Sandy and Miley, but none of them came? What is happening, where are my girls? Some boys of my class started to come, but not the girls, even our teacher came but not the girls!! after 5 minutes, before we started the lesson, Sandy came! Thank goodness! I smiled and she smiled back. Then after 15 minutes Miley came too. Man how happy I was! And then I noticed, Zayn, he's not late? He was just in time, maybe he did listen to me, and started to take it serious? I just hope so. Just for your information I did not look at him...till now. Our teacher talked about the 2 big projects we had going on, well you should know I'm in a kind of architect school. So my teacher told us about the two projects and looked at me. 'Demi, the last time you're one of the fastest and best, how much time do you need?' I looked at him. 'hmm, I think I just need today, and a week...but today I will be done with the bench and the foundation.' I smiled and he nodded. 'Okay, class start with the work then, oh and Miley, you have to write an exam now, you were sick last week.' I looked at Miley and mouthed. 'Good luck.' I walked to my computer and started working and Zayn sat next to me and started working on the project with David. I kept concentrating on my project when Zayn said. 'Girl, slow down. Look David she's almost done, and we didn't even open the program yet.' I chuckled and said. 'Zayn, just start.' We kept working when Zayn asked me to show how the program works. 'Zayn, we're working with this program now for 6 months and more and you still don't know how to use it?!' He just gave me his cute smile and I rolled my eyes helping him.

After a while the teacher came over to me, asking me if I were done. I nodded and showed him the project I had just finished, he smiled. 'This looks good. Well done.' I smiled proudly and gave him my work. Just in time, cause seconds later the bell rung. I jumped up and walked to my table got my bag and waited for Miley, she came and walked out having our break. We stood outside with Sandy, having our fun, after this we would have our next teacher in a different room but with the same project. I was in a team with Emily, Lucas and Rob, but Emily wasn't in school today, so I was all by myself and the boys....I sat down next to Lucas, which happened to be next to Zayn, but just so you know. I ignored him, I know. I'm stupid, but whatever. So I kept working, when the teacher left. I looked up to Miley and she smirked. I walked to her and we started to play. 'If I were you...' she looked at me and said. 'If I were you Dems, I would go to the trash can and pick up the chewing-gum that's in it.' I got widen eyes. 'Ew this is disgusting! Can I use a paper to pick it up?' She nodded and I took a deep breath and walked up to the trash can and looked for a gum. I found one and picked it up, everyone looked at me like I was an idiot, also Zayn. I walked back with the chewing-gum to Miley and put it on her table. 'Now! If I were you I would go to Lucas and kiss him on his cheek!' She turned red and did as told.

We kept playing the game till I started to have a little argue with Zayn. Don't ask how I always turn to have an argue with him I just do! I looked at him, 'You know what Zayn? If you weren't you, I would hit you.' He chuckled. 'oh and why so?!' I looked at him pissed. 'If you don't even know what I mean, I see no point to keep talking to you.' I turned away from him and started working again. I was mad at Zayn...nothing new. The bell rung and I walked past Zayn not even looking at him, Miley looked at me and said. 'We'll go and buy something to eat.' I nodded. 'Okay, me too-oh wait I forgot my money in class.' she looked at me and said. 'Then go back and get it!' I walked quickly back and run past Zayn, he looked at me and smiled, I rolled my eyes and said. 'Don't look at me, I'm mad at you.' he was surprised. 'Why?!' I ignored him and got my money, walked back to Miley and we went to the store to get something to eat. We got both a sandwich and walked slowly back to school, we talked about many things, like how David tries to get in Miley's pants. I laughed lightly. 'As long as Zayn doesn't want to get in your pants, everything is fine.' I said taking a bite of my sandwich. She laughed. 'Yeah right, Zayn is nice compared to David...' I nodded but remembered that I was mad at Zayn, so my smile turned into a frown. Me and Miley walked to our usually place, which happened to be just next to Zayn's and his friends place. I talked to Miley, looking once to Zayn and shaking my head at how disappointed I am at him. Miley looked at me and said. 'Demi? Do you like Zayn?' I looked surprised at her. 'uh, maybe?' She smiled. 'I knew it!' I sighed and said. 'Don't tell him.' She nodded and we started talking about my crush on Zayn.

After break me and Miley went slowly to class. I didn't look at Zayn when we walked past him, what just happened between us? I mean yesterday everything was fine, and now? I'm mad at him, maybe I'm just mad that he possible doesn't like me...?

we had now English, which meant that we had to give our presentation about some lame cartoons about how bad Facebook is, just because our teacher didn't has friends on Facebook, he wants to show how bad Facebook is, like get a life dude. Anyway, while David was giving his presentation with Kevin, me and Miley talked and I kept my eyes on David, so he started to think we were talking bad about him...act like a bitch dude. Well then everyone gave their presentation but me and Sandy, the teacher looked at us and I took a deep breathe, standing in front of the whole class with Sandy, I cleared my throat and said. 'So, this is our cartoon, as you can see there's a girl standing, and she's looking kinda mad and angry, and in front of her is a boy, without a face and that's because---' I got interrupted by Philip, 'Don't shout.' everyone started laughing, I looked hurt away cause Zayn laughed along with them. The teacher started to yell. 'Stop it! We all know that Demi is not speaking loud in front of the class! That's nothing knew! So be nice and just listen to her instead of interrupting her!!!' I sighed biting my lip. 'Okay. I will start again.' I gave my presentation and then it was Sandy's part. While she's talking I looked down on the ground thinking about what just happened, suddenly Sandy nudged my side, 'Demi you're again!' she whispered. 'oh, uh, well the cartoon has a good message and it got a good way to show it, and well the cartoon is not funny in the way you laugh out loud, it just makes you smile a little smile.' I said moving my hand to the corner of my lips and smiling lightly. 'You see?...well we're done.' I nodded and walked quickly back to my seat next to Miley. I sat there with my hand on my lap, listening to what the teacher says about our presentation, I didn't really pay attention, I was too busy by thinking why Zayn laughed at me. 'What's wrong?' Miley said looking at me, I looked up at her and sighed. 'Is it cause Zayn laughed with them?' I shrugged looking in his direction but looking quickly away, the bell rang and I stood up walking out with Sandy and Miley, we talked when suddenly Miley looked back so did I and there he stood at the door, Zayn, shaking his head at me. 'Okay this is it.' I said walking towards him, 'No not yet.' he said getting in the classroom and slamming the door shut. I stood there in shock. 'Open the door Zayn!' I said trying to open the door. I quickly stopped realizing how much Zayn just hurt me. Will I embarrass myself in front of everyone because of a crush? NO! I walked to Miley and Sandy. 'I hate him, I'm serious, I hate him.' Miley sighed and we walked out, after a while the boys including Zayn walked past us, I didn't look at Zayn because I knew, I would hit him if I see his face.

The last two periods where kinda hell for me, Miley tried to talk me into a conversation with Zayn but I just said. 'Miley, I can never talk to him alone! It's all the time that David or Kevin interrupts us.' we kept talking then I really got pissed. 'Okay, you know what Miley, go talk to him about me, go ask him about me, go do everything you want to, just go!' The bell rung and I jumped up, school is over!!

I run to the door waiting for Miley, me and her walked when she suddenly pock Zayn in the arm. 'Yo, Zayn, listen Demi wants to talk to you.' I got widen eyes. 'No, Miley, stop it.' Zayn was just confused and I walked down the stairs with them following me, Miley stopped walking and so did Zayn I turned to them and Miley said. 'Zayn, seriously Demi wants to talk to you.' I shook my head, what is this girl doing?! I sighed looking at Zayn. 'This is ridiculous, there's nothing to talk about.' He said as I glared at him. 'You're not the one who decides if there's something to talk about or not. If I think we have to talk, then I decide it, not you.' He just looked at the ground. 'You know what Zayn? I'm giving up, I can't any more.' He looked up, 'What did you say?' I sighed, 'I said, I'm giving up, cause I can't any more.' I turned around and walked out of the room. Miley walked next to me and I said low. 'Well, this went good right?' She just replied. 'it's not over yet,' I turned around and saw Zayn standing there....

Is Demi really going to give up on Zayn? What did Miley mean with it's not over yet? Liked the chapter? if so vote, comment, and follow :)


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