Zodiacs As Parents

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Quick heads-up, this is not meant to be offensive in any way, this book is just for fun. ❤️

Aries- *Burns dinner* -enough said-

Taurus- Never stops swearing

Gemini- Forces their kids into sport

Cancer- The cool parent

Leo- *Forgets their kids at the park*

Virgo- Forces their kids to do their homework

Libra- "Leave each other alone and go away, I'm tired"

Scorpio- Buys the best food

Sagittarius- Annoys the kids with facts

Capricorn- Not supportive

Aquarius- *Gets a house with a pool and never uses it*

Pisces- Kinda scared of their kids

I hope you liked this chapter, I'm a Capricorn... Hehe... Remember to vote and comment. Byeeeee

~ Rose

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