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Capricorn grabbed her glasses, which had fallen onto the ground. Broken, again! She thought irritably, why did she have to be so clumsy? Capricorn started towards her locker, to find her best friend (and longtime crush) leaning on her locker.

"Virgo? Can I have my locker back?" She asked sharply, annoyance radiating off her. Virgo squinted, his eyebrows furrowed into a frown.
"Y-yeah, sure..." he muttered, pushing himself off of the locker. Capricorn narrowed her eyes at him, grumpy much?

"What's the matter?" She asked him, a tremor in her voice.
"Uhm, nothing..." Virgo stammered, his eyes flashed guiltily "I mean, it is something, but you don't need to know, it's okay, yeah..."
"You're lying." Capricorn said, her voice icy.

"N-no I'm not, why would you think that...?" Virgo crossed his arms, defensive. Capricorn smirked.
"Your left ear is twitching," she stated triumphantly, an incredulous look crossed his face, before it was swallowed up by defeat.
"Fine... umm... SCREW IT! Will you go out with me?" He wiped his clammy hands on his shirt hem. Capricorn's eyes widened.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Capricorn yelled, she felt this was time... they leaned in, ready, for their first kiss, before--
"Uh, uh, uh! No PDA here!" They whipped around to see Libra wiggling a chastening finger at them.

"Fine..." the two harrumphed.

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