The Zodiac Signs Visit The Pet Store

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A/N: this isn't like the zodiac pets, just so ya know >.<

Aries- Barking at the dogs and hissing at the cats. Aggressively tapping the fish tanks. Gets asked to leave.

Taurus- Finds themselves identifying with hamsters and wishing they had a hamster wheel IRL

Gemini- Mimicking the parrots and canaries. Sounds like a legitimate bird.

Cancer- Sits in front of the fish tank and stares for hours until they get physically removed.

Leo- Asks every employee if they can pet the cute kittens and bunnies. No one takes them seriously.

Virgo- Asking the manager, "Do you know how dirty those fish tanks are?!"

Libra- Picking out puppy clothes! Even if they don't have a puppy.

Scorpio- Has a staring contest with the boa constrictor. Possibly beats them.

Sagittarius- Laughing at the turtles. "LOOK HOW SLOW THEY ARE HAHAHAHAHA!"

Capricorn- "Sagittarius... Shut. Up. I'm trying to convince myself I didn't come here to buy a puppy..."

Aquarius- Talking to the employee, asking annoying questions, insisting that's not a guppy, it's actually a trout. Gets kicked out quite possibly.

Pisces- *Sings in the aquatic section, the ENTIRE Little Mermaid soundtrack. Glass breaks. Fish fall on the floor everywhere. People scream. Pisces cries.*

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