Zodiac Pets

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Aries- A dog, energetic, playful; what's not to love?

Taurus- A turtle: they're not too energetic, they can take care of themselves for the most part, and absolutely adorable.

Gemini- A talking parrot, especially one that can be trained to crack jokes.

Cancer- Puppies or kittens, anything small, fluffy, adorable and a baby.

Leo- A bold, ferocious feline.

Virgo- A cat, adorable, affectionate and independent.

Libra- Hm, good question. On one hand, a dog is active, affectionate and companionable. On the other hand, a cat is pretty independent and won't require as much time and attention. Oh, I don't know! What would you do?

Scorpio- A cat, secretive, mysterious and unpredictable. What's not to like?

Sagittarius- A horse, of course! Let's hope it's got enough stamina to keep up with them.

Capricorn- Do I have to pay for it?

Aquarius- A hamster, first I've got to set up a detailed cage with tubes going from here to here, and an energy sensor - they don't make anything like that? That's okay, I'm sure what I come up with will be much better!

Pisces- Fish. If their owner forgets about them for weeks on end, they're easy to replace... If the owner remembers to replace them.

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