The Signs When You Talk Crap About Them And They Find Out

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Aries- Fight. Me.

Taurus- I'll never share my food with you again

Gemini- *Acts like nothing's wrong* *Creates diabolical plan to embarrass you in front of your crush*

Cancer- *Cries* *Stabs you with a knife* *Cries while disposing your body*

Leo- It's because I'm too good for you and your jealous of me (Author: BURN)

Virgo- Did I do something to offend you?

Libra- *Believes you when you said that they didn't*

Scorpio- *Ruins your life*

Sagittarius- Oh well, what can you do? You weren't important to me anyway

Capricorn-*Trash talks you* *Spreads rumours* *Ignores you for 432852094708 years*

Aquarius- Why would you do this to me, I'm such a good friend! (Author: Anyone else think this was almost like what
Gretchen said in Mean Girls?)

Pisces- *Waterfall pools out of their eyes* *Invites you for cake the next day*

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