chapter seven...

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two months later...

liam runs into harry's room, giggling like a little child on christmas. "harry wake up!" liam yells and jumps on the bed, straddling harry's waist. "harry! harry! harry!"

"liam stop." harry groans and pulls his pillow over his face.

"no!" liam yells and takes the pillow off of harry's face and hits him on the head with it. "wake up! wake up! wake up!"

harry flips them over and pins liam's hands above his head. liam's eyes widen at the sudden action but he quickly covers it with a smirk. "hello handsome."



"how did you get into my house?"

"i made a key last night."

"why am i not surprised?" harry laughs. "of course you did."

"i'm always here and i hate waiting for you to buzz me in." liam says. "and plus, we'll have a child after today."

"you're cute."

"so are you. now i really need you to get ready."

"liam we have all day."

"but i want to go now!" liam whines. "unhand me styles!"

"why? i like this position." harry winks.



"let go of me."

"what's the magic word?" harry teases.

"please?" liam drawls out and juts his bottom lip out.

"try again."



"my sexy, talented, perfect harry. will you pretty please let go of me so we can adopt our child?"

"well when you put it that way." harry says and leans down to press a slobbery kiss on liam's cheek. "of course." he smirks and gets off of liam.

"harry!" liam whines and wipes his wet cheek.

it seems like forever waiting for harry to get ready. "hurry up." liam groans.

"i'm ready. no need to freak out." harry walks out the bathroom and runs a hand through his hair. "now let's go adopt our child."


"i'm so excited!" liam squeals.

"you need to calm down babe." harry chuckles and interlocks their fingers.

"i can't. they're so cute!" liam says and jumps up and down.

"you're cute." harry winks.

"you're cute." liam taps his foot impatiently. "if he doesn't hurry up, i swear to god-"

"sorry for the wait! i was helping a customer assemble her cage." cole says as he walks into the room. "liam! nice to see you again."

"you too." liam grins and shakes his hand.

"and you must be liam's fiancé." cole says and shakes harry's hand.

"um actually-"

"my fiancé and i ended things." liam says softly and squeezes harry's hand. harry squeezes backs and caresses liam's knuckles with his thumb.

"oh liam i am so sorry."

"it's okay. i'm okay." he looks up at harry. "i have him."

cole smiles at the couple. "i'm glad to hear. are you guys ready to see your puppy?"

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