chapter eight...

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four months later...

"honey i'm home!" harry yells as he walks into the apartment. he leans against the wall while he takes off his shoes. "liam?" harry calls out when he gets no response.

he walks into the kitchen to see liam holding wesley to his chest with a treat on his shoulder. "oh hey haz." liam says and sways back and forth.

"why are you holding our dog like a baby?"

"i'm training him to be held."

"and why do you have a treat on your shoulder?"

"he's not going to move because he wants the treat. therefore i'm training him to be held."

"how long have you guys been going at this?"

"about twenty minutes." liam shrugs. "okay wes, you can have your treat." the small dog climbs a little higher on liam's chest and eats the treat. "good boy." liam praises and puts him down.

harry walks up behind him and wraps his arms around liam's waist. "i missed you." harry murmurs.

"i missed you too." liam bsays and leans his head back so it's resting just under harry's shoulder. "how did the house search go today?"

"it went good."

"yeah?" liam asks excitedly and turns around to face harry. "did you find anything?"

"i did."

"what are you waiting for then!? tell me!" liam says and hits harry's chest.

"it's a house, not an apartment. and it has a huge backyard."

"wesley would love that!"

"and that's not even the best part."

"tell me!" liam jumps excitedly in harry's arms.

"the house is in louis' neighborhood. so you would be living really close to your best friend if we moved there."

"oh my god that's amazing!" liam squeals. "how much is it? how many bedrooms? is the backyard as big as louis'?"

"slow down." harry chuckles. "the price is a little over our budget but i think we can manage. and i scheduled a walk-through tomorrow if you want to come."

"of course i want to!" liam lays his head on harry chest. "i'm so ready to move. i hate having to sneak wesley in and out."

"and i hate having to scream very loudly to cover his barks."

"you don't have to do that..." liam says and pulls away to look at harry. both buy break into a fit of giggles and harry grabs liam's wrist when liam leans back as he laughs. "you're a strange one harry."

wesley comes running into the kitchen and jumps up on liam's legs. "i think he wants to be held."

"i'm such a proud mom." liam says and picks up the puppy.

"hi cutie. did you miss me? because daddy missed you so much, yes i did!" harry says in his 'dog voice.' he leans forward and kisses wesley on his head.

"i love our family." liam says and smiles.

harry wraps his arms around liam's waist and rests his chin on liam's shoulder. "i love it too."


"liam we're never going to fully move in if you don't help!" harry yells.

"we have the rest of our lives to move in! take a break!" liam yells as he chases after wesley.

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