chapter nine...

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five months later...

"you be good, okay? and don't let any other dogs bully you. they're just jealous that you're better than them in every way possible." liam says to wesley and kisses the top of his head.

liam had found out about a 'doggy play date." there was this group at central park that gathered dogs and taught them how to get along with each other.

the thought of wesley  having friends had liam busting out into tears, so he immediately signed him up.

"you make plenty of friends okay? be a good boy!" liam says and hands the girl wesley's leash. his cheeks turn a deep red when he realizes that she heard the pep talk he just gave his dog.

"don't be embarrassed." the girl says, noticing his flushed state. "i've heard and seen it all. this one mom started crying."

"that's going to be me in a few minutes." liam chuckles.

"and that's okay. it's like your first child's first day of kindergarten. we'll take really good care of him. what's his name?"


"that's adorable. we'll be back in a hour. we have your information in case something comes up. what's your name again?"

"liam payne." he says and holds out his hand.

"sophia smith. nice to meet you." she says and shakes his hand. "i'm going to take wesley over to the other dogs. stay strong. you've got this."

"i'll try." liam laughs. "see you in a hour."

"see you in a hour." she repeats and walks off with wesley.

liam sighs and returns to the park bench that he left his book at. liam doesn't even get to read a full page before his phone starts ringing.


"hey. did you get there okay?" harry asks.

"yes and i told you i would."

"sorry it's just that clown thing-"

"no clown is going to come to a place where it's bright as day and occupied by hundreds of people!"

"well excuse me for worrying about you."

"and i appreciate that. how's the bakery doing?"

"boring. we're having another slow day."

"can you bring me home some of those strawberry cupcakes!?"


"why not?" liam pouts.

"because you thought me being afraid of the clowns was funny!"

"i did not!"

"i heard you laughing!"


"i don't want to hear it. no strawberry cupcakes for you!"

"i'm gonna send a clown to the bakery." liam teases.


"goodbye haz. love you." liam says and hangs up.

liam looks down at his book and laughs. harry is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

after forty five minutes, liam is anxious. he wants his wesley back. he ended up finishing the book so he had nothing to do.

"i'm the first to admit that i'm reckless..." he sang to himself.

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