Unforgettable Love:Chapter 10

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Yoomin's POV

I got confused and curious as well when most of the students were gathering around the Bulletin Board.

There isn't an examination yet. Why are they there?

When suddenly I heard some gossips.

Ommona, Taehyung and Yoona was making out?

Looks like it was, in the picture..

Picture? Making out? What does it mean?

I walk towards the crowd. I tiptoed to see what are they talking about but I still can't see it. Height difference -.-

"Excuse me.... Excuse me." I excused as they move aside and let me pass.

I stood here infront of where the picture they're talking about.

I gasped and covered my mouth when it's the picture of Taehyung and Yoona at the bathroom, when they kissed as Taehyung's hands on Yoona's .... butt.

The crowd became quiet when I realized Taehyung is on the back and looks at me angrily.

W-Wait.. Why is he looking at .... me?

He suddenly walk towards and get the picture out of the bulletin board.

"Leave!" He yelled as he eyed the students.

"I said leave!!" He shouted angrily again as the students walk away. I was about to leave when he held my wrists tightly.

"You're the one who did this, didn't you?" He eyed me angrily and tightened the grip.

"Ow Taehyung! Y-You're hurting m-me." I said as my voice were shaking.

"Answer me!" He shouted angrily.

"Why would I do that? Why are you accusing me huh?" I shouted back but he tightened the grip as before and I winced in pain.

"Ow Taehyung!!" I shouted as tears started to skip from my eyes.

"Because you're the one who saw us at the bathroom!" He shouted and I just stared at him.

"You really want to destroy me huh? Are you doing this because you're envy of Yoona 'cause I kissed her instead of you? Do you really like me that much because you're so desperate to destroy us? I'm sorry but a girl like you isn't my type. You're just a low-class girl who's intention is to destroy other people's li - - - " I didn't let him finish as I slapped him so hard.

"What did you say?" I asked as tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

"Watch your words Taehyung. Because I'm not that type of girl. You really think I can do that? No, because I'm not like you. We're different. And I don't like a boy like you too. I don't like jerks. Low-class girl huh? Yes you're right. I'm only a low-class girl who wasn't from a wealthy family. I can't destroy someone's life Taehyung. I am not what you think. And I'm not envy of Yoona, I'm contented of what I am right now. I have coinscience, unlike you." I said and tears keep streaming down in my cheeks.

Then I grab the picture.

"Do you see this? If it is me who captured this picture why is it in different angle? I'm just on the door Taehyung. And when I saw you both, I immediately closed the door and walk away. But can't you see this? it's from inside the bathroom!!" I shouted and he just stared at me.

"Maybe someone was there inside when you both.. kissed. SO, BEFORE YOU'LL ACCUSE ME. YOU BETTER KNOW THE TRUTH FIRST BEFORE INSULTING AND SAYING HURTFUL WORDS TOWARDS ME." I said as I walk away and continued to cry.

Taehyung's POV

Her words hit me.

She's right. I should've known the truth first before accusing her.

Wait ... I shouldn't be like this.

Then I look at the picture.

She's right. This photo was from inside the bathroom. Someone else caught us, aside from Yoomin.

I ripped the photo and sighed heavily. Then I walk away.

I'm gonna find out who did this.

Yoomin's POV

Hyorin comforted me earlier since she came to school late again -.-

We walk side by side and we separated since her locker is number 29 and mine is 18.

I get my books and closed my locker when suddenly, Yoona walk towards me and slap me, causing all my books fell on the floor.

All the students gasped as I widened my eyes.

"Yoomin!" I heard Hyorin shouted my name then she stood beside me.

"Yah Yoona what the hell?" Hyorin shouted.

"Are you really that jelous of me? You're the one who spread this picture here in school campus, don't you?" She then showed the picture.

First Taehyung and now Yoona? Wtf is wrong with these two?

"Why? Are you ashamed now?" Hyorin said as Yoona shot her a death glare.

"Who are you to talk to me like that? Plus, Me and Taehyung are dating!" Yoona shouted and the students started to make gossips.

"Is that really true?"

"I knew it!"

"They look good together kyaaah!"

Yoona smirked upon hearing their gossips.

"Y-Yoona. I wasn't the one who took that photo. I swear." I said as my voice were shaking.

"Then who? I saw you too the other day when - - - " She stopped and look at the students who's already making gossips around here.

She pointed her index finger on me, "I'm not done with you."

She then walk away and Hyorin hug me as I cried so hard.


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