Entry 9

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In Physics class this morning, Prof. Simmons looked at me with such malice I can't take. He glances at me like I'm some kind of fresh meat to devour after he finished things off with the girl named Monica. I can't understand his newfound fascination with me. He just keeps on looking at me. Like, why would he do that? I actually regret that day I flirted with him. I really regret it. It's like a gum I chewed that I can no longer spit, but instead i have to swallow it. Yes, it's that disgusting.

He's clearly not my type. I hate guys who older than me to be honest. They tend to be serious and controlling. I hate guys in control and I'm starting to despise Prof. Simmons. He's acting like an innocent little creature who can't wait to sink his teeth to a new young prey. He clearly has a huge fascination with young women and he's really fucking gross. I wanna puke everything he eye-fucks me. God his beard is seriously creeping me out.

As soon as the class ended, I raced to the exit, pretending to have answered a phone call so important that it made me dash out of the room. Yes, I'm a good actress as well. Who would've known? Being a good liar needs a bodily movements to replicate the situatiom you want to portray just like an actress. Trust me, it will be handy once in your life.

So back to Prof. Simmons, he's really gross. I don't know where he got the idea that he's a gift to women on earth? God, that lunatic is really delusional. He strongly believes that I was extremely flirting with him at the library which is impossible. The guy I screwed two days ago was way hotter than him. He's also a Princeton student so why would he even think he fits my criteria?

Remember I told you about that Monica girl who was begging for him? I didn't tell you everything. She was also pregnant. When Prof. Simmons left, she was touching her belly when I saw her sitting in front of her computer. She even said: "It's alright kiddo. We'll make it through." God that bastard is really disgusting. Seriously disgusting.

Monica is an amazing student according to my research. It seems that Prof. Simmons has huge fondness with straight A's students. Well, I'm a straight A's student so I fit the profile except I'm not innocent like his previous preys. I drink liquor, I smoke, I sleep around and I'm a good liar but it doesn't show since I look nothing like it.

I decided to meet 'Mercedes Harry' again for a one good fuck in his basement which I promised. I told him that I'd sleep with him so yes, I kept promise. I need to shift away my attention from the disgusting Prof. Richard Simmons.

"Nina, you look amazing." He told me.

"I want some fanta. Do you have fanta?"

"Oh. Nope. We only have coke, sparkling water and Budweiser." He told me.

"Hmm... coke then. Oh, do you have any bite? Kind of hungry. I was avoiding someone from school that's why."

"I could order pizza. Wait, you're avoiding who?"

"Oh a pervert. Technically, he's my professor and he believes that I flirted with him. God forbid! That man is disgustingly ancient. He's like 37 or something." He just giggled.

"You're kinda unique. Most women dream of older men."

"What? Who would wanna fuck some cock with loose skin? That's disgusting, Harry. I would never fuck someone who's seriously old like my dad." He shrugged and called for pizza.

I removed my jacket and fished out for my phone when a text caught my eye.

It's from Teresa.

Fr.: Teresa Montana

Hi, nina. Can you call me back? I had three missed calls and you seem busy. I need to speak to you asap.

"Uhm, Harry. I'll just make a phone call. I'll be back." I told him.

"Sure. I'll just be here and wait for the pizza. You go make your phone call."

I dialled Teresa's number.

"Nina! Finally."

"What's wrong, Teresa?"

"I need your help. You need to date my brother William. You're an amazing woman and dating my brother will be the best thing."

"Wait, what?"

"Please. My brother needs a good woman. You're the good woman. Please, help me." I sighed. William is not bad himself and he could be a good lay. Right? William is handsome after all. Tall, lean, and smart. Who wouldn't like William?

"I'll give it a try. I'm not sure if we would click though. We met only once."

"Just try, Nina. Try."

So the day ended with Harry screwing me in his basement with my legs spread wide open like a butterfly. I got so sweaty and all. It's good since winter is being a little bitch. Anyways, should I date William? It still feels weird. I'm gonna date a friend's brother for what? I don't know.

Still, I'm a horny woman full of vigor and energy. But, my tinder adventures will stop.

Oh, and also I got myself a better phone yesterday. I was able to win back half of my tuition money so I bought myself an iPhone finally. I'm looking posh, right? Well I have to be. William's a good catch. I need to at least look decent with him. After all, women are fighting over him including his disguting slutty sister.

Love, Nina

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