Entry 30

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I am still in such a high from last week. Why? Remember the bastard who raped my cousin, named Jeremy Sanders? Well, let me give you a detailed explanation on what I did to him.

How should I start? Okay, let me start with how I unfriended the girl who's seeing him. Her name's Ashley and she's really pretty. To be honest, you'd think that this Jeremy deserve this girl named Ashley. Guess what? He doesn't.

I learned from his Facebook group chat that they're targetting women and they have a list of it. Of course, I screenshot all the conversations including the photos. I made sure that every bit of conversation is takeb care of.

The funny thing is that, this girl named Ashley is nowhere on the list, which means that he's genuinely interested in her. But sad to say, I had to interfere. I had to make sure that this girl doesn't end up like my cousin.

So what is the list? Let's see, according to my thorough research, these women are popular. They are known in academics, sports, beauty and social status. They are all on top of their games.

My cousin is in the 'rich/heiress' section of the list. She's sweet, popular and very active in fundraising events. She's also very popular for her beauty and class. My cousin is the kind of wife you can show everyone, just like a trophy made of gold. He destroyed someone like her, and of course, I can't let that happen.

My cousin deserves all the love in the world. She deserves to be respected.

I sent an anonymous series of mails delivered to all the women on the list. I sent one to my cousin and to the Yale student body president. I made sure that no one could escape this monstrosity.

Jeremy Sanders, including 8 male students are suspended for a month.

That's not the worst part. You see, Jememy's sentence doesn't end in suspension and community service.

I was able to gather CCTV footages of the night he carried my unconscious cousin in a room. From a certain angle, it was seen that he's taking off her clothes and... well raped her eventually. I had to blur my cousin's face so she won't be dragged in this.

In bold letters, I mailed the Dean.


He was expelled and the video was shown to him, so he can no longer deny. He apparentlg raped 5 other students and he took advantage of his social status.

My poor cousin was raped and I won't let her feel violated just like that. He's not going to stop me.

So, remember the part where Prof. Simmons sent me the mail about protecting his secret? I noticed yesterday that on his signature, it's not Dartmouth College, but Yellow Brick University. I know that school and why is it his signature? I feel anxious since yesterday and I'm itching to know why so I did some digging.

Prof. Simmons also works there as a Physics instructor at times whenever this guy is absent, who's  the actual Physics professor in that school. He also have some female admirers in that school. He's spreading his dirt all over the place.

You see, I promised here in my diary that I would make him pay for seducing the promising Kate Decker of the fencing team. And yes, so I did.

I anonymously sent the video to the other fives students he fancies. Apparently, I forgot to mention that before I told him about the video, I sent it to another student to make it look like it's not only me.

The real hacker is still on the loose. This hacker terrifies me.

I need to fix this mess. I didn't hack Prof. Simmons regarding that video. It was sent to me using his mail. Tracing it down would be difficult, so I asked the help of a fellow hacker.

His name's Jason Fields and we went to the same prep school. Actually, we belonged to a computer geek club at school and he's way better than me in terms of hacking. He taught me all the tricks, but this one needed precision.

So I asked him to track down the girl who did. Girl? Yes, it's a girl. She's very much familiar. You all know her, but I need to keep it a secret for awhile.

So, the real hacker is a guy. He's Katie Decker's older brother and I have no intention on turning him in. He just wanted to get back at him by threatening him and that's it.

The second hacker was me, because he bullied the poor Monica Hatton and you all knew why. He deserves it after all.

So this third hacker isn't aware of the first hacker and the second hacker, who's me. The thing about the third hacker is that she used Prof. Simmons to scare me and she's now afraid for herself.

The video was sent to five other female students and I did that. She's not aware of me and the first hacker. She targetted me for the main reason that Prof. Simmons admires me.

Well how? I was commended in class before the video thing happened. He made everyone see how much he's smitten with me during that class, just because I answered a simple problem.

This girl got fucking jealous.

Fuck you, Lara Myers.

Yep. It's her. She's the same student Prof Simmons confronted for hacking him. She's from the IT department, but I happened to be a lot better than her.

So, I asked Jason to fuck her up like she deserves.

He jeaopardized her program that she planned to submit this week. The culprit? Well, it's now between her and all the women in Prof. Simmons' life.

I'm excluded now, why? God, everyone can see how much I adore William. Prof. Simmons is nothing against him. I love my boyfriend.

Love, Nina

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