The Beginning

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You already know the story of the flash, struck by lightning, fastest man alive and recently just opened up a massive singularity above central city. But there is something that you don't know. So we are going back to 1989 where Nora and Henry Allen are receiving the first pictures of their new child.
" and there is your little boy."

As they looked at each other with a big grin on either one of their faces they started chattering among themselves about baby names, as most new parents do.

"Harry, Bart, Ronald or James. Those are my choice of names."

"Well what about Bart, I like Bart but then I think of that Kid from the Simpsons and well that just puts me off entirely. But I think Bart could be a cute nickname for him. What about it Henry?"

"I think......." No being able to finish before the Doctor jumped in and stated the obvious,

"Wait...... I wouldn't find a name just yet." The doctor was squinting at the screen, looking at the pictures flicking on and off.
"What's wrong..." The parents sung in chorus. The room filled with silence. All your could hear was the sound of the couples breathing increasing.

" Well you two won't believe it but there are twins! A boy and a girl!"

"Wait what, that's amazing!" Exclaimed Henry Allen.

"You can now decide baby names." The doctor said with a smirk on his face.

" Well two babies it is then!" Repeated Nora with a Grin on her face.

8 months and 1 week Later. 4:45pm

As the two prepared for the birth of their children, they grew more and more nervous of the things that would happen. To that day Henry and Nora were still in shock of the fact that they were having two children rather than one.

"What do you think it will be like. Will we have to buy 2 birthday cakes every year or 2 of the same toy that they both like?"

" Nora calm down, we can if you want and we will play it as it goes." Henry said very calmly even though in his head multiple alarms were going off.

" Henry we need to go somewhere."

"What, why?" With an alarmed tone.

" because I think they want to meet us. Don't freak but I having the Babies." Calm surprising as Nora was at that time, it was needless to say that Henry was the total opposite.

8:45pm Central City General Hospital

" And there is the little boy, congratulations you two. Your little girl will be here in a minute." Stated the doctor.
" Hey Bartholomew, it's mum and dad." With a baby tone Henry Allen held his son for the first time. " He is gorgeous look what we did sweetie." Only to look down and see Nora unconscious on the bed and to make matters worse the doctors took The baby away.

" WHATS HAPPENING!!" Screamed Henry

" Sir you need to wait outside, all three will be here when you get back." Spoke a Nurse to Henry which only enraged him more.

"NORA, NORA, NOORRAA............"


" Sir, please take a seat." The doctor spoke slowly which made Henry only think of the worst. " your wife is fine and your little boy is doing great."

" what about the little girl, how is she doing?"

"I'm sorry we lost her."

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