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Daniel's POV

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Daniel's POV

The sun was burning. The air was calm. The dark crows were flying over the deep blue sky. No clouds to be seen. Just corrosive red mountains on the horizon and the quiet tumbleweed casually rolling on the dry sand.

"Yeehaw!" I said to Ace. I could feel the rage and excitement in his neighs. "Come on boy."

"Not so fast Goldilocks," Sophie said as she passed me. She turned her head and smiled at me. I could barely see her watery blue eyes over her blonde hair. I smirked and tried to catch her.


A shadow flew over our heads and landed perfectly on the dry sand. "You guys should really focus on the race you know that!" I could barely see Edgar over the massive dust that rose.

Sophie and I looked at ourselves and then back at him, signaling war. He wasn't going to win.

"You shouldn't worry about us Ed," I said and he turned his head.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"That you're not going to win... now Soph!"

Sophie cut Edgar off the track, making his horse step on spherical rocks. Luckily he didn't fell as his horse, stopped before any tripping and possibly injuring a leg. Ace and I sprinted towards Ed to make sure he was Ok.

"Dude you Ok? How's Amy? Is she Ok?"

"Wow... wow there, there girl... calm down now, it's Ok." he was trying to calm Amy, his horse. She was important to him. After his sister died ten years ago he named her Amy in her memory.

"Are you OK?!" Sophie was yelling and screaming and shouting all at once. I looked at her galloping towards us. "You Ok? How's Amy?" she seemed really worried.

"I got her. She's a little shaken. I think I'll walk her back to town."

"All the way... but it's like a lot of miles," I said frowning and huffing. "You sure?"

"It's Ok, you can go," Sophie said a little too quickly for my tastes.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"What? No. That's- that's ridiculous," she said looking back and forth at me and at Ed. We both looked at her and laughed a little.

"Douchebags. Come on. Oh, and by the way, I won."

"What no way..."

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Our journey back to town took a while, but we finally made it. Ahhhhh I sighed in my mind. Lungomare. It was a quiet town. A lot of wonderful people. A lot of people who were proud to be here. Who respected one another, who respected me and my friends Sophie and Edgar, and... my father. Why? You'll see.

"Come on guys, drinks on me," I said as walked the town's street in front. I could see the town hall, the church, the bank, where was the.. ah, yes found it, The Saloon. The place where people come together to forget about their s*itty lives and just be themselves for a couple of hours. I t was funny and depressing at the same time if you think about it.

We tied our horses and began walking towards the saloon.

"And if I ever see you again I will shove it up where the sun don't shine, you hear me?" The owner Mr. Simpson just threw someone I couldn't recognize because of the blood on his face. I think it was Ted though. "Dirty old ba- Daniel... Danny, how are you?" he greeted me with a pack on my back and a firm handshake.

"Good thanks, Mr. S, you em, you remember Sophie and Edgar right?" they smiled and waved at him.

"Yes, of course, come in, come in." he kicked the poor man one more time and opened the swinging doors for us. There were people sitting at the tables, drinking, minding their own business. We sat on the stools, I was in the middle, Sophie on my left and Ed on my right, and he came right to us, ignoring two other clients.

"What can I get for you?"

"The usual," I said and almost immediately three beers were in front of us. He trailed off and continued with the others.

"So what have you guys been doing? I haven't seen you in like three days," I said to them.

They looked back at their glasses. Ed was the first to spoke: "Just busy dude. You know, family, training, the festival... just a lot of things going on right now."

"mmmmhhhhh, what about you Soph?" I turned to her

She coughed and I got scared for a second: "Um nothing special, just wandering, galloping with April. I need to keep her in shape you know." She took another sip.

"Guys... I'm not stupid you know?" they both looked at me. I could almost see the sweat dripping off their foreheads. "You're throwing me a surprise party for my birthday."

They went blank for a second but then regained conscience. "You got us. Dude come on it was going to be a surprise."

"Yeah now where's the fun?"

"Don't worry guys, I'm sure it will be great. So what is it?" I said locking my eyes on both of them.

"Well... if we told you... it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Ed said.

"Yeah, I mean you figured out about the party, now the surprise too? Haha"

"Okay. I get it. Ok yeah. Um hey, I gotta go. I have some stuff to do. See you guys later?"

"You got it, dude."

I kissed Sophie on the cheek and fist-bumped Ed. With a swift, I was out of the saloon. I freed Ace and jumped on him. "Come on, let's go." It was so quiet here. Just utter silence. Tranquility and OMG, is that smoke? Jesus.

Thank you guys for reading.

This is my new Story. It's really good I believe.

Y'all definitely like it, what am I saying you'll love it.

I love the characters the actors portraying them.
I'll be starting university in a couple of says so please bear with me.

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