how sweet pt.2

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Daniel's POV

I realized that Max couldn't handle alcohol that well when he started to get dizzy after his first drink. He was losing balance, his eyes couldn't stay open, like the legs of any hooker on a good night. But it was when he drank that second drink. I could have stopped him, but then maybe he would have hated me for trying to be the boss. We're teenagers. We don't like getting told what to do.

When he ran outside, I looked at Soph with a why-the-hell-did-you-do-that stare. She just shrugged and took another sip of her drink. I ran after him. He was down on the dirt and filth.

"Max," I wrapped my arms around him to try and get him up, but he was resisting me. He started vomiting. 

"It's Ok, I got you," I held his head. He was so sweet even in that horrible state. "Come on, it's time to go home," I carried him over my shoulders like Shrek did with Fiona in the movie Shrek. We hopped onto Ace and rode to his home.

His house looked empty. No one to be seen. I carried him to the door and knocked.

"Hello? Mrs. Langley? Mr. Langley? Anybody home?"

No answer. I tried turning the knob too. "Well, I guess we just have to break in then," I put Max down and just ran for the door. "AAAAAAAAAAAA," dshhhhhh.

I looked around if anyone was asleep. No. I took Max to his bedroom upstairs and laid him on his bed. The room was decorated that much. It had some child drawings on the wall. They were pretty good actually. I came across a sketchbook. It was black. I opened it. 

A dedication "   To our special boy   "

                          "    Love Mom & Dad    "

There were drawings clearly from a child, just stick figures and such, but then as I scrolled through the pages I noticed that they were better, portraits, places. I kept on looking and admiring, birds, flowers, people. Me. The last drawing was of me. Of how we met and me shirtless. Well, he got my abs right. ;) A smile grew more and more upon seeing myself in that sketchbook. It felt good. It felt right.

"Mmmm, where am I?" Max mumbled as he was regaining conscience.

I put his drawings down and moved over to him. He was trying to get up.


"Yes,  it's Ok. You're home," I said moving to the side of the bed.

"Ah, my head feels like the Donald Trump's campaign... Poop Emoji," he said rubbing his forehead.

I took a chair, placed it on the edge of the bed and sat. "What were you thinking drinking that stuff? Did you even know what it was? How lethal could it have been? God... why... I mean wh-?"

"I'm sorry. I-I don't... know why I did it," he paused. "Please..."

"I'm sorry, it's just that, I don't wanna see you get hurt... It... If something happened to you I..."

"Hey, it was childish of me. I know it. And thank you for bringing me here. For saving me... again."

"Well, I do care about you, you know."

"You do?"

I caressed his face after he said that. "You're cute, you know that?" We stayed like that for a moment. Utter silence. Like that moment was made for us.

"I gotta go now," I said quietly.

"No stay," he said grabbing my head.

"Don't worry, we have a special dinner tonight don't we?" I kissed his hand and smiled.

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