the more you Talk the more you Smile

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Max's POV

The sky was now slowly filling with clouds. I could see them in the distance coming closer. The grass was bowing down upon my presence. I felt like a king, ready to conquer the world, ready to talk to him. He was cleaning up. Why was he still here? Courtesy maybe? We should be the ones being thankful to him really. He saved us. He saved me.

"Hey," he turned around upon hearing my voice. "Thank you, for saving us," I smiled a weak smile. He nodded.

"Please, you would have done the same for me," he smiled.

"I'm Max," I said extending my hand.

"Daniel." he shook my hand. His hands were soft but masculine. It was a divine balance. "So how did the fire start?"

"I  don't know actually, I was home with my mom when I saw smoke coming from the barn. I ran inside," I said walking in front of him "and found my father lying on the floor. I thought to myself, this is it, this is where you're gonna die." I frowned and then looked back at him. "But then you showed up." he laughed a little. "By the way, how-?"

"How did I find and save you guys, putting my life in danger?" he said fast enough, and then smiling. "Well, it was a dark and stormy night..." I raised an eyebrow. "You want the boring version? Ok, I was riding Ace-"


"Yeah my horse, and saw smoke coming out the barn. Your mom helped me and here you are."

"What about the man you were talking to earlier?" I said walking inside the barn.

"He was my dad," he followed me inside and lazily started cleaning up

"Why was he yelling? Wasn't he proud of you for saving people today?"

"He was, but, he's also over protective so... Ever since my mom died he wasn't the same. Being an only child as I am, he didn't want anything bad or dangerous to happen to me. So-"

"So when he found out that you were involved in a fire he freaked out." he nodded. "But how did he find out?

"Well, being the sheriff, he knows everything."

"The sheriff? Like, with a badge and stuff?"

"Yeah," he chuckled.

"But isn't it hard to always be expected to do great things and live up to everybody's expectations as the sheriff's son?" I said trying to lift up a board.

"Well yeah, but it has also taught me how to take care of myself and others," at that moment I slipped. I tried to hang on to the edge of the table but I lost my grip.

Suddenly I felt a set of arms around my back and waist, supporting me. It was Daniel. He got me before I could fall. My heart was beating so fast right now. Not even The Road Runner on Amphetamine could beat it. He was strong.  I could smell his manly scent. It was like heaven

"Careful," he said breathily.  We were so close. Our eyes met one other. It was sublime.

"Shit," I saw blood on my right arm. I must have cut myself while trying to grab onto that table.

He placed me down and took off his shirt. He looked at me and I tried to divert my sight to my wound and failing miserably.

"Here," he said wrapping his shirt around my arm to stop the bleeding.

I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest. It was smooth and strong at the same time. Muscles everywhere. He must work out hard. Biceps, triceps, pecs and... ah, abs. He was everything I could have ever wanted. He was cute, handsome and so


"What?" he said.

My eyes widened and my face turned red. "Did I say that out loud?" Oh, my god. I was so embarrassed. How could I have said that out loud? Now he must think I'm some sorta freak or somethin'.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "But, it's Ok, I think you're hot too." he smiled, showing those beautiful pearly white teeth. We both laughed and then the room got silent. He started leaning towards me. He was going for a kiss. I closed my eyes and...

"Boys?!" MOOOOM!!!  We stopped and opened our eyes. He laughed and helped me get up. We exited the barn and saw my mother coming to us.

"What happened?" he said taking my arm and examined it thoroughly.

"Nothing, I fell and Daniel helped me."

"Oh, well, nice to meet you Daniel. I wanted to personally thank you for saving us," she gave him a big hug and he looked at me. "I don't know what would have happened if..."

"It's Ok, Mrs. ...?"

"Langley. Emma Langley."

"Well, um I really should get going so..."

"Oh wait. My husband and I wanted to invite you and your family to dinner tomorrow night. Your mother and father should now what you did for us today."

"His mother's dead," I immediately whispered to her.

"Ou, I'm so sorry for your loss. So just you and your father then."

"Well, I don't know I mean, I have to ask him and..."

"It's settled then. Tomorrow night at eight," she ordered before heading back to the house.

"You've got an..."

"Bossy, extravagant, crazy?"

"Amazing family," he smiled and I melted right in front of him. "Well, I should get going. Those cows aren't gonna milk themselves." I raised an eyebrow. "I'm kidding," he chuckled.

He hopped on his horse and like a boy when his girlfriend tells him she's pregnant he fled away in the green and gold grass. I just smiled at him.

 I just smiled at him

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All night long. I couldn't help but think about him. His piercing blue eyes. I could drown in them. His smile. Those full lips. His huge mouth... His trouty mouth. The way he smelled. The way his hands felt around me. His body. His perfect fat-free body. All muscular. God, why did he have to be so freaking handsome? I closed my eyes. I'll definitely dream about him tonight.

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