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Daniel's POV

I was just riding on Ace, my faithful horse. The sun was brighter than the top of The Rock's head and the view was spectacular. Just open space.

Suddenly I saw a big black cloud of smoke in the distance. I kicked Ace with my feet signaling him to go faster. The smoke was getting bigger by the second.

I found myself on a farm. The barn was in flames. I could feel the heat of the burning fire. A woman came running towards me. She was screaming and yelling for help. I went close to her.

"Help, please! My son and husband are in there!" She begged me to do something.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll get them out of there. You get to safety."

"What? No, I wanna help."

"It's not safe and-"

"I said I wanna help."

She hopped on and rode to the barn. The fire was huge. The heat was unbearable. There was a water tank, but no hose.

"I need you to get a hose!" she nodded and went to find it. "Quick! We don't have much time." I could see some wood had fallen, blocking the entrance. I tried to break it by kicking it. Nothing. I could hear yelling from inside the barn. Jesus. I just hope they're still alive.

"Here, quick," the lady said handing me the hose. I quickly attached it to the water tank and let the water flow. I saw her hands in a prayer position. 

I felt sorry for her. What if I can't save them. I couldn't forgive myself if I didn't save them. It wasn't selfishness. It was humane. The fire was slowly dying down. I could hear the lady walking in front of me. I gave her the hose and ran to discard of the pile that was blocking the doors. They were heavy but I managed to do it. I had never lifted anything faster in my life.  Sometimes the water would hit me, making me wet.

  Sometimes the water would hit me, making me wet

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"MAX!" she screamed and ran to help me.

I raise my head and my eyes met the most wonderful human being on the planet. He was blonde, had dreamy blue eyes, and covered in ashes holding his father on his shoulder. Everything stopped for a moment. Could it be? Could this have been love at first sight? We looked at each other just for a few more seconds before I could hear the screams of happiness and joy of the lady running to them. We helped them get out just in time. 

(Melodramatic music) They could have died and I could never have lived with myself knowing that the cutest boy on the face of the earth was there.

We finally managed to put the fire out. Just a suit and an umbrella and I could have easily been Gene Kelly singing in the rain. The handsome blonde and his father went inside. I tried to clean up the disaster. I haven't had this much exercise since I was chased by that crazy bull at the beer festival.

The quiet sound of the blowing wind was interrupted by thumpings in the distance. I could hear them loud and clear. I turned around to see who it could have been.


Max's POV

I was pretty shaken by what had happened to me and my dad. We just went through a near death experience. But thanks to that boy, I get to see my parents at least one more day. That boy. Who was he? Was he single?

Looking at my parents I realized how much they meant to me. How I couldn't bare being without them. How much I loved them and how much they loved me. They looked at me and smiled. Then they came and hugged me. 

"I'm gonna make us something to eat," mom said.

"Hey mom, do you know who that guy is?" I pointed at him.

"No, but thank god he was there or god knows what would have happened," she put her hand on my cheek and kissed me before trailing off to the kitchen.

I turned my head to see him. He was cleaning up the huge remainings of the fire. An image of the flames engulfing my dad and I past my thoughts. I closed my eyes and shivered. Upon opening them again I looked at him wondering what he was doing here? How did he get here? Was he an angel? Well with those blonde hair and hot body, he could have been. And his mouth, was huge. How many balls could he fill it up with? God what am I saying? Three, maybe four?

I shook the thought out of my head and got ready to go out and talk to him. I looked back at him but he was now talking with a man. I instinctively turned to where my dad was. He was asleep. I looked at them. The man was shouting at him, throwing his hands up. Drama Queen. Then he left. I got up and went out. I saw the man leaving. He looked at me but didn't stop. I began walking towards that handsome hot mess. Am I really going to talk to him? I looked like sheet. Well I'm already half way there so I'll just do it. Barbra help me!

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