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London June 18

"How does my mask look?"

George inspected John's plain black half mask, which George made himself, from the passenger seat. "Looks good. Mine?"

John studied George's sliver half mask. "Good." George nodded and opened the car door.

"God damn!" John exclaimed as they made their way closer to the mansion. "This must be bigger then the queen's bloody castle. Holy shit!"

George rolled his eyes. "He is a rich fella."

"You could say that again." John scoffed.

They eventually found the main entrance which where two large wood doors that were all the way open with people in very expensive outfits strolled in with their half masks on.

"God, I feel so out of place here." John whispered to George. "You'll be fine."

When the both entered the doors they were overwhelmed with the beauty and lavishness of the place. And they weren't even to the ballroom yet.

"Hello sirs," John and George turned to see a servant in a red blazer and a white half. "You may follow me." The servant motioned for them to follow and they complied.

They turned a few halls which were filled with balloons and streamers till they finally reached the massive ballroom. They stood at the doorframe and looked around in shock.

"Your invitation please." The servant interrupted their small trans. "Oh yes!" George exclaimed, rummaging through his pockets.

"Here you go." George handed him a red velvety paper and the servant nodded. "Enjoy yourselves." He said before scurrying back down the hall to help more guests to the ballroom.

"This place is fucking amazing." John looked around the ballroom and George just nodded. They've never seen such a gorgeous place before. People in expensive outfits danced to a live act, also in masks, there was also a very long bar that had servants with masks on too.

A balcony sat up high on the side with red carpeted stairs branching off the side all the way down to the ballroom floor. "I bet he's going to go down those stairs like Prince Charming."

George laughed, knowing exactly who he was talking about. "Well let's go enjoy ourselves." As they step foot inside the ballroom their shoes made a slight tap against the polished white tile.

"I can even see my face in the bloody tile!" John exclaimed looking down at the floor and seeing his masked face staring back up at him. "Look George!" John tried getting his friend to look down but, he seemed to be distracted.

"Whatcha looking at?" John asked, waving his hand I front of his friend's face. "Look over at the bar." John turned his head to wear George was looking and saw I gorgeous women sitting at the bar.

She had long dark hair and wore a white gown with a white lace looking half mask. "Aren't you married?" John turned his head back towards George and raised an eyebrow. George looked at him and blush.

"Fuck her." George walked away and made his way towards to crowd to the lovely lady. "Patti ain't going to be too happy." John mumbled and stuck his hands into his dress trousers.

He leaned against the wall and looked around. In all honesty the party was a bit boring. The live act was okay, with playing some Elvis Presley but, other than that nothing interesting was happening.

The Simple Words We Dance To // mclennonWhere stories live. Discover now