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London June 20

Sir Paul sat on the cushioned stool biting his nails anxiously.

He already ordered his tea and was just waiting of John. He worried what would happen. He tried reminding himself that John just wanted to come out to tea as friends, just friends but, Sir Paul still felt anxious.

As if he couldn't control himself he started to bit his nails, a nasty habit he wish he could quit. He looked around the small cafe he was in. There were a few people. A couple, and two school girls, most likely skipping class, talking.

He stared down at the steaming, lite brown liquid in front of him and dropped two sugar cubes into the cup. "Hey." The voice startled Sir Paul but, he looked up to see John taking a seat across from him.

"Hello." Sir Paul mumbled as he toke a sip of his tea. John smiled awkwardly. A waitress came to their table and toke John's order, a black tea.

"So," John spoke up when he finally got his tea, "tell me about yourself?" Sir Paul eyed him.

"I don't like talking about myself..."

"You don't look like someone who doesn't like to talk about himself." Sir Paul scoffed.

"And what exactly does that mean?"

John leaned in, grinning his wavy grin, which caused Sir Paul to blush. "You just look like a sassy little diva." Sir Paul didn't know what to say.

When John knew that he won their little 'argument' he sat back in his seat. John smiled at Sir Paul staring down at his feet but, the smile quickly faded when he saw Sir Paul's shoulder's started to shake.

"Oh fuck. Did I make you cry? I'm sorry it was just a joke." Sir Paul looked up at John. He was laughing. John felt butterflies when he saw the happy wrinkles by his eyes and his rosy cheeks filled with cheer. "What's so funny?" John jokingly said sounding offended.

"It's just," Sir Paul tried to make himself stop giggling, "I love it when you're so rude. I love it because I haven't had someone speak to me like that in so long."

Sir Paul smiled at John, his eyes sparkling. "Thank you, John." John felt like melting.

Sir Paul downed the rest of his tea. "So," he spoke up which toke John out of his small trans, "what to go somewhere else? I feel super great all of a sudden." John looked down at his tea that had gone untouched and merely pushed it aside. "Sure. Where to?"


Liverpool June 20

"God, I haven't been here in so long!" Sir Paul spun around in circles which made John giggled.

"You're like a child." John giggled and Sir Paul smiled at him. "Well, you're not any different." Sir Paul nudged John's side with his elbow.

"Oh! Ow! Ow! The pain, the pain!" John yelled out dramatically and held his side. Sir Paul giggled.

"Oh, Paulie!" Sir Paul blushed at the nickname. "D-did you call me, Paulie?" John looked Sir Paul in the eyes. "Yeah, why?" Sir Paul smiled weakly.

"Oh, nothing it's just what my mum used to call me before," Sir Paul looked down at his feet, "oh, why am I spilling my life story out to ya?" Sir Paul blushed deeply.

"No, it's fine really. I like hearing ya talk." Sir Paul looked up and grinned with his eyes at John. "Well, she passed away when I was just a lad. I loved her dearly and hearing you call me Paulie brought back memories."

"Good memories?"

"Of course."

"Good I only want happy thoughts from ya! Got it?" John said in a jokingly stern voice. "Oh yes, Sir John I'll do whatever ya want!" Sir Paul said giggling.

"You'll do anything now, will ya?" Sir Paul blushed when he released what he said. "John, please." John looked down slightly embarrassed.

"But," Sir Paul finally spoke up after a few minutes of them walking down the pavement in silence, "I like it if ya called my Paul instead of Sir Paul." John smiled at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, the whole Sir thing gets sorta annoying after awhile. Like I know I'm knighted but, do I constantly have to be called Sir?"

"Oh, Paul. Paulie, Paul." John sung out. He liked how it sounded without the Sir part.

"Oh, here's the club I was talking about!" John pointed to a line of people who were standing outside a building with bright lights that spelled out 'Cavern Club'.

"Oh my god! You were talking about the Cavern Club! I used to go here all the time! Come on!" Paul smiled and grabbed John's hand which made John's face turn red but, Paul started to practically drag him toward the end of the line.

John stopped himself with all his wait and partially flung Paul backwards. "Calm down there buddy!" John smiled.


"Follow me." John motioned for Paul to follow and he complied. They started to walk towards the front of the line which caused a few looks. "John, you know what you're doing?"

"You don't trust me?"

"Yes I do but,-"

"Then don't speak."

John walked up behind a security guard and tapped his shoulder. The security guard spun around a smiled, "Oi John! How are ya my pal?" The security guard hug John.

"Just fine. Hey Pete, do ya think ya could get us in there?" John tried flashing his charming smile. "Now, now John. Just because, your my friend doesn't mean I'll allow ya to skip the line."

"Oh come on Pete! I got a friend with me!" John pleaded, even putting his hands together to be more dramatic. "John, it doesn't change that you got a-" Pete looked at Paul.

"Hey," Pete pointed at Paul, "haven't I seen you from somewhere?" John grinned and put his hand on Paul's shoulder. "Why yes ya have Pete. This is Paul McCartney. Sir Paul McCartney." John said making sure the Sir part could be heard.

"Oh my! I didn't know you had a friend that was knighted. Go ahead in, Sir." Pete moved out of the way to let them in. John had to practically shove Paul down the stares since Paul was still sorta in shock at what John did. That sly bugger.


"So her name is Linda?" John asked and toke a swig of his sixth beer.

"Yes, she's so gorgeous. I love her blonde hair and her blue eyes. I think I'm in love her." Paul smiled, drunk off his ass after only four beers.

"You sure are a lite weight." John giggled and took another sip. "Well at least I'm not an alcoholic!" Paul giggled.

"I never said I was in alcoholic."

"I know." Paul mumbled and rested his head in his arms. "You okay Paulie?" John asked leaning forward.

Paul looked up at John. His hazel eyes sparkled under the dim light hanging over their small booth. "You're so beautiful." The words slipped out of John's mouth.

Paul smiled. He leaned in and kissed John. The taste of alcohol was strong in each other's mouth.

"I'm okay now."

The Simple Words We Dance To // mclennonWhere stories live. Discover now