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London June 25

"So sir, that is why my client and I find the defendant guilty." Paul stared the judge straight in the eyes. His confidence was sky high.

"Do have anything to say about this, Miss. Stevenson?" The woman sat at the table shaking. "It's not true!" She blurted out. "What is not true?"

"I-I just I didn't do it." The woman started to cry. Paul hated when the defendant or plaintiff cried. "Miss. Stevenson, if you do not give me evidence that it wasn't you then I have no other choice than to claim you guilty."

The woman's watery eyes stared at the judge. "Please, I'm innocent." The judge sighed and sat back in his seat. He lifted the gavel and hit it down on the piece of wood.

"I find the defendant, Miss. Stevenson, guilty of murder of her cousin, Mr. Stevenson. Is sentence you to thirty years in prison." The woman sobbed in her hands. An officer came and pulled her from her seat and Paul watched as he dragged her through a side door.

Paul knew she was going to but, stuck into a police car and drove to the nearest prison but, he stood an emotionless. In this job he had to stay emotionless.

He watched as people filed out of the courtroom. As he put his paper's back in his briefcase and shut it he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down to see the woman who was the mother of Mr. Stevenson.

"Thank you so much, Sir McCartney." She smiled at him at a tear rolled down her cheek. Paul had to confess he felt like crying too. "I'm just doing my job, ma'am." He toke his briefcase and walked out of the courtroom.

This case is closed.


"So how did the the court case go?" Paul's friend, Bob Dylan, asked he sat beside him for their lunch break in the break room.

"What do you think?" Paul asked taking a bite of his fresh PB&J sandwich. Paul was the best lawyer in the whole country and he knew it. He never failed a client, never.

"Stop being such a pretentious ass." Bob joked and pushed Paul's arm lightly. Bob was an American and Paul could never understand why he moved to the shit hole called England.

"Well it went just fine." Paul smiled. "Of course." Bob scoffed and stuffed his forkful of salad into his mouth.


Paul sighed in relief when he knew he was finally going to his office. He loved his office. It was so peaceful and he could be all by himself. No one to disturb him.

"Hello Jane." Paul greeted his receptionist. "Hello Mr. McCartney," She smiled back. "Oh wait," Paul stopped and looked back at Jane. "There's a client in your office." Paul mentally groaned. "Thank you." He nodded and walked to his office.

When he pushed the door open, Paul felt his stomach drop seven stories. "Hey Paulie!" John grinned from Paul's swivel chair. "What are you doing here? How'd you get here?" Paul asked in shock as he laid his briefcase on his desk.

John stood up and walked towards Paul. "Well, I told your little receptionist that I had a very urgent problem I need Sir Paul to help me with and that it was very personal that I can only talk to him about!" John said in a dramatic voice.

"Why are you here then?" Paul sighed and crossed his arms. "To see ya of course!" John lightly hit Paul on the forearm. "John," Paul exhaled deeply.

"This is my work, we can't hangout here. Maybe later." Paul smiled but, John frowned. "Oh come on!" John pleaded like a little child. "John, I-" suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Quick under that desk." Paul whispered to John and John complied and quickly crawled under. Paul quickly sat in his swivel chair.

"Yes?" He called out so who ever was behind the door could hear. Jane popped her head through the cracked door. "Mr. McCartney there is a guest here who would like to talk with. May I send her back?" Paul swallowed his saliva. "Sure."

A women probably in her mid forties walked in and sat at the chair across from Paul. "Hello Sir Paul. I'm Susan." She greeted Paul. "Hello." He shook her hand.

Paul tried to focus as she started to talk about how she wanted to sue an old boss of her's or something but, Paul's mind started to drift off to John under the desk.

Paul started the think of John so close to his crouch. Staring at his bulge. Oh, lord. His thoughts started to get dirtier and dirtier and Paul felt himself starting to get hard. This can't end well.

John felt his whole body blush as he stared at Paul's crotch. This is not a good time for dirty thoughts. John tried to tell himself but, failed as he started to get hard.

John quietly gasped at he notice Paul was starting to get hard. Was he getting hard because of the lady? No, she looked like a complete hag. Was he getting hard because of John?

John tried telling himself he was mad for thinking of such a thing but, who else could it be? John felt himself getting harder and harder. John honestly didn't know what came over himself but, he started to inch closer to Paul's groin.

Paul tired listen to the lady and smile and nod but, his mind was in the gutter. Paul tensed as he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his thighs. He tried to stay looking forward.

Paul felt as his trouser zipper was being pulled down. What the bloody hell are you doing John? Paul couldn't believe what was happening.

Paul felt as he felt himself spring out of his pants. He knew exactly what was going to happen.

Paul gasped slightly as he felt John's cool and wet mouth wrap around his tip. "Are you okay?" The lady asked, interrupting her own talking. Paul tried smiling and nodded.

"Okay, so will you take the case?" She smile. Paul had no idea what the case was even about. "Sure." Paul tried saying without stuttering as he felt John's mouth move farther down his member.

"Oh thank you!" The woman stood in delight. She dug through her bag and laid a stack of papers on Paul's desk. "Here's more information and how you can contact. Paul nodded, shaking slightly.

"Thank you again!" The woman called as she open the door to leave. "A-any time!" Paul stuttered out and the woman left. Paul moaned and leaned back in his seat.

He moved his seat back slightly so he could see John's face, John's beautiful face, as he was sucking him off. John looked up into Paul's eyes as he bobbed his head up and down. His eyes full of lust.

"Oh fuck!" Paul tangled his finger's into John's auburn hair. They staid like this for a few minutes till Paul felt a burning sensation in his lower abdomen.

"J-John I'm going to-" John only took Paul's words to move faster. Paul felt as he needed to gasp for breath as John moved faster.

Paul felt himself get closer and closer till, "John!" Paul yelled out as he emptied himself into John's mouth and John swallowed all of it.

Paul tried getting his breath back as John crawled out from under the desk and stood. Paul couldn't believe what just happened.

John just gave him a blowjob.

He looked up and John and his eyes met. Oh god. Is he in love with him? Paul started to rub his temple.

"Linda's going to kill me."

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