
724 26 11

London June 25

Paul wanted to cry. He also wanted to kiss John.

Paul tucked quickly tucked himself away and stared up at John. He was so handsome. His pointed nose that, most wouldn't like but, Paul loved it. His beady brown eyes. His auburn locks. To Paul he was so beautiful.

No, he's in love with Linda. His wife. And did he even like guys? No, he liked women. He's always like women.

Paul sighed and rose from his seat. "John, I think you should be going." He felt a tang of guilt in his words. "W-what?" John's voice sounded shaky.

"I said you should go, John. I have work to do and you've made this situation worse." Paul didn't mean to make his last words sound so rude.

"Oh, you just going to have me suck ya dick and I just leave? I ain't no hooker, Paul." Sadness and anger was mixed in John's voice.

"John please-"

"No." Paul sighed.

"John just go-"

"No!" John yelled which made Paul flinch. "I'm in love with you for god sake! Ever since that day we danced together I've been in love with ya," tears were starting to form in John's eyes.

Paul felt at a lost for words. He felt the same way. "And," John closed his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks. He was shaking. John didn't seem like the person who cried.

Suddenly John felt a cool hand wipe away his tears and he opened his eyes to see Paul staring back at him. "I don't know if I'm in love you but," stop it McCartney.

"I think," stop! "I want you." That was all John needed.

John gently pulled Paul's face to his so their lips were connected. I can't have sex in my office. What if Jane walks in? Paul thought but, soon his thoughts seem to evaporate as all his mind was on John and making love with him.

"Oh god," Paul gasped as John's face moved to his neck and started to suck on his skin.

When John pulled away from Paul's neck he knew a bruise was going to be there. Sorry Paulie babe. John thought.

"John," John was pulled away from Paul's hypnotizing looks. "Fuck me." John smiled. "What's the magic word?"


"Oh, what's that? I couldn't hear ya."

"Oh god! Just fucking fuck me John! Please!"

"Don't mind if I do." John started to unbuckle and wiggled off Paul's trousers and soon his own. John then decided to rip off all of Paul's clothes.

John stared at Paul's bare chest with only a few hairs. John's instincts seem to take over and he started to suck on one of Paul's nipples. Paul gasped and gripped harshly at John's shoulders.

Paul gasped again as John's warm mouth pulled away and the cool air hit his nipple. "Ya got any lube?" John asked, holding Paul's bare hips.

"No, but does lotion work?" John didn't want to question why Paul had lotion in his office but, nodded. Paul pulled open the first drawer and slipped out a large bottle of lotion.

John smiled and sat in Paul's swivel chair. Paul was about to say something about that being his chair but, knew exactly what John was doing.

John put some lotion on his hands and started to lather his hard member. Paul bit his lip as he watched John's hand move up and down. He want to have him in him so bad.

"Now come sit on daddy's dick, baby." Paul rolled his eyes at the stupid nicknames but, complied and sat on John. The contact of their hard members pressed together was so erotic Paul felt like he could come right away.

Paul looked down and tried to align himself over John's penis. He felt a hand lift his chin up and stared down at John's eyes. "Paulie, please tell me if it hurts. Okay? I don't want to hurt you." Paul couldn't help but grin like an idiot at John's sweet words. "Okay."

Paul's breath hitched as he felt the tip of John's penis in him. He's never felt anything like this before. "God, you're so fucking tight." John breathed out as he moved deeper into Paul.

Paul felt as John was fully in him. "Oh fucking hell." Paul gasped as he felt John hit something that made his whole body feel so good. "I found it." John grinned.

Paul loved the feeling. He started to move himself up and down on John's penis as he hit the spot over and over again. Moans filled the room.

They were so in sync and it almost seemed like they fit together like puzzle pieces. Just perfect.

After sometime Paul started to feel the same feeling he felt in his lower abdomen. Paul started to claw at John's shoulders. "John, I think I-I'm going to.." John knew exactly what Paul meant and helped Paul move up and down faster.

He felt as the burning sensation started to hurt more and more until.


Paul felt himself climax and come all over John's thighs. Just the sight of Paul coming ended up making John come.

Tiredness took over Paul and he wrapped his arms around John's neck and laid his face in the creek of John's neck. John wrapped his arms around Paul's waist and they stood in this embrace, catching their breath, for awhile.

They both didn't want to leave each other.

John suddenly felt small kiss on his shoulder and felt the kisses go up his neck to his lips and John and Paul shared a sloppy yet, lovely kiss.

When they pulled away and they both stared into each other's tired eyes and it seemed as if they felt the spark they felt the first time they met.


John hummed in response.

"What am I going to do?"

"What do ya mean?" John tilted his head in confusion. "I love you but, Linda,"

What about Linda? Paul was cheating on her and he knew she'd be heartbroken if she found out and she might even call the police on them and-

"Don't worry about it." Paul looked at John like he was crazy.


"Don't worry about it. Just live in the now." Paul wanted to argue with John but, knew in the end he'd probably fail.

"I just don't want to hurt her but, I want to be with you." Paul's mind felt like a mess.

"Then let's be together."


Oh my~

So naughty Jonny and Paulie! I just wanted to say thanks for all the support and this story is nearly to 100 reads like woah! Thanks so much again and peace and love! ✌️️❤️

The Simple Words We Dance To // mclennonWhere stories live. Discover now