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Liverpool June 19

Now, John wasn't queer. At least he doesn't think so.

Sure, he's thought about it before but, he just shags birds because, isn't that what every guy does?

It was early in the morning and John laid in his white sheets and stared out his bare apartment window. The memories of last night playing over in his head.

'W-wha,' the young man stuttered in disbelief at John's action. 'I-I'm married.' John felt his stomach sink.

'Oh god. I'm so sorry. I-' The young man pushed his lips back against John's. 'What am I doing?' The young man asked, shocked at his own actions. He didn't know what he was doing.

Their lips stay connected till John felt something warm and wet against his cheek and he pulled away. 'A-are you crying?' John choked out. He saw tears rolling down the man's cheeks from behind the mask.

'I'm sorry.' He mumbled as he ran off out of the ballroom, unseen from others, except for John.

John grabbed his pack of fags on his nightstand and lit one. He didn't understand why he was so uptight over this random he met at some stupid party. But he just was.

He remembers finding George in the bathroom shagging that gorgeous women and pulled him away and dragged him to the car.

'The hell are you doing?' George hissed at John when they found John's cheap car in the huge crowd of, terribly, parked cars.

'We have to go.' John mumbled opening the car do. 'What do mean? John!' John pushed George into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut and made his way to his seat.

'Have you gone mad?' George shouted at John. John looked at George as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. George seemed to notice. 'Shit John, what's wrong?'

John ignored him and sped off without a word.

John crawled out of the bed and shuffled through his drawers till he found a pair of rugged blue jeans and a plain white shirt and slipped them on.

He made his way down the hall till he reached his kitchen and made himself some tea.

He heard a small creak as he sat down at his small table. Only two chairs. He stared at the chair across from him and felt almost nauseous at the sight it. "You used to sit there." He mumbled and memories of his ex girlfriend, Cynthia, flooded into his mind.

Tears started to well up in his eyes. He truly felt like a mess.


London June 19

"Sir, please wake up."

Sir Paul groaned and buried his face deeper into his pillow. He was not at all in the mood to wake up. "Sir, please. Mrs. McCartney had made her special breakfast for you."

Sir Paul smiled. Linda's food was some of the best he'd ever taste but, she rarely ever cooked because she was busy and the servants would usually just make them their meals.

Sir Paul sat up and yawned. "Thank you, sir. Please get dress." The butler said and walked out. Sir Paul meandered over to his walk-in closet and swung the doors open.

He looked around. So many choices. He decided to go with a casual outfit, a button up shirt with some black trousers, quite casual to his standards. He combed his rat nest of hair and made his way downstairs.

When he finally got to the dining room he saw Linda setting the dining table. "Oh, sweetie you don't have to do that! Just have one of the maids do it." Sir Paul smiled sweetly.

"Well I wanted to do it. It just felt very wifeish." She giggled and wiped her flour covered hands on her apron. "These pancakes look absolutely stunning!" Sir Paul stared at the large and soft pancakes with amazement which made Linda giggle more.

"Let's hope they taste good." Linda said taking off her apron. "Well," Sir Paul gave her a kiss on the lips, "knowing the great cook you are, I bet they are absolutely define."

Linda rapped her arms around Sir Paul's neck. "I love you." She mumbled and put her face in the crook of his neck. Sir Paul felt a feeling of guilt shiver through his whole body as flashbacks of the night before appeared in his head.

He kissed someone else. Let alone a man. And if Linda found out. "You okay?" Linda asked looking at Sir Paul with confusion. "Oh yes just tired." He lied.

They sat down at the table and started to dig into their breakfast without a word. "It's just," Linda spoke up after sometime.

"You are acting strange. And it's not because your tired because I've seen you tired."

Sir Paul tensed. He couldn't tell her that he kissed a man. She'd hate him. She might even divorce him!

"I just," He thought for a second. "Really want to go to the park with you." What a pathetic lie, he thought.

Linda smiled at him. "Well after breakfast lets go to the park." Sir Paul nodded.

"Good, I'll make sure you feel better. No matter what!"


London June 19

John didn't know exactly what happen but, he was now on a train.

Okay, he knew he bought the ticket but, he didn't understand why he was going. He just had a strange feeling that was telling him he must go to London because something was there. Something for him.

He doesn't know exactly what. Maybe Cynthia wants to get back with him. Or he might find that awesome guitar he saw in the newspaper advertisement. He was hoping it was the guitar.

John stared out the window as fields and trees zoomed by and he felt almost calm even though there was so many things going on his head.

When the train came to a sudden holt John made his way off the train and out of the train station.

He looked around as people walked down the busy streets of the city. He loved it here. He always wanted to come to London because he knew he would find fame here. He just knew it. Maybe that was what the feeling was.

As John walked down the pavement more and the building started to space out more and more and more into the country side. Though, John was too busy in his head, asking himself questions that were most likely to never be answered.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed he walked into a park. Kids ran about on the nearby playground as parents watched them on a nearby bench.

John decided to take a seat and take in the fresh sunny day, which was quite rare in England.

When John opened his eyes after a few minutes he noticed the park was practically empty except for a couple that just walked in. John couldn't see them too well without his glasses but, he could tell it was a man and a woman and the woman had blonde hair and the man had darker hair.

John tried to pry his eyes away from the man and enjoy the weather more but, it was almost as if his eyes were glued to the man.

Maybe John had seen him from somewhere? But he couldn't remember where. His hair seemed so similar too.

Though, John being John, noticed that the couple was about to past him by and he reached out and lightly pulled the man's sleeve. He looked down at John in confusion. John smiled politely and asked,

"Have I seen you from somewhere?"


Well this chapter wasn't too eventful but, I promise more on the way~

I also just wanted to thank arctic_beatles for all the support with votes and (so many) awesome comments! It means so much to me! Thank you! ✌️❤️

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