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London June 28

It all was happening so fast. Too fast for Paul to even realize what she was saying.

Linda was yelling at Paul. Tears were streaming down her face. Thankfully she wasn't wearing any makeup. So her tears weren't black, but the clear tears hurt Paul nonetheless.

"Linda please, speak clearly," Paul tried to calm his wife, but seemed to be too angered. Paul didn't know what.

"Are you fucking another woman, Paul? What's are you cheating on me?" Paul's eyes widen at the question.

"I-I," Linda cried out a long and ear piercing wail. "I'm not! I love you, you know that!"

"As if! I've seen you! You've been sneaking out at 17:00 and going God knows where!" The amount of emotional pain Linda felt made her fall to her knees.

"Linda, darling! I'm not cheating on you! It's just friends! I'm hanging out with Bob and Stu at the pub! Harmless! I've just been having a stressful time at work and my friends help me. Not saying you don't because you do help! But it's just friends! Men being men at the pub!" Paul frantically said as he tried to comfort his hysterical wife on the floor.

"Please! I know you Paul! It's another girl. What's her name? Please tell me!" Linda gripped at Paul's shirt desperately. Paul couldn't tell her that he's having an affair with John. She'll call the cops and they'll both be arrested. He can't allow that to happen.

"Paul," Linda said her breath sounding shaky. "What's her name? I want to know." Linda looked at Paul in the eyes. Her stare was hypnotizing. Paul wanted to kiss her, make love to her, anything, but knew that he no longer could.

He loved his wife. Linda has always been there for him and he was positive Linda was the one. His true love. But, with the events that have happened the past few days, she may not be the one. The one for Paul.

"Linda, I can't tell you who they are because I know you'll hate me, but please know that I never did this to hurt you or because I dislike you because I don't! You're an amazing person, but I need something else." Paul's own tears made his tear up.

Linda looked at Paul in shock. The man she thought she would grow old with is now leaving her.

"Okay," Linda's voice choked and she rose to her feet. "If you love this person so much, I shouldn't interrupt what you two have." Paul couldn't believe she was taking this so well.

"I'll pack my items a leave." Paul didn't stop her as she walked past him on the floor, out of the living room and in the stairs. Why was she taking it so well?

After awhile of laying on the floor with tears streaming done his face, Paul looked up to see Linda with multiple suitcases and bags. "If I've forgotten anything, I'll be staying at The Ritz hotel until I find a home." Paul could hear the pain in her voice.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you." Paul pushed himself up with his arms. "I know you are." Linda spoke softly and bent down and kissed his forehead.

Liverpool June 28

"For fucksake! Pick a bloody movie, Ringo!"

Ringo stood staring at the sign outside the cinema with the list of movies. John and George stood impatiently, waiting for the undeciding Ringo to choose the movie for their movie night.

"How about the movie Psycho?" Ringo said pointing to the title of the movie. "Fine, I honestly don't even care what movie we watch anymore." George huffed and took some money from his wallet and handed it to the man in the small ticket booth.

As George was getting the tickets from the man, John looked around at the city around him. Then, he spotted someone across the street. Paul? He thought as he recognized the tan coat across the street.

"Oi John, here's ya ticket." George said and John took the ticket, still staring at Paul across the street. "Hey guys, I'll be right back I uh, need to do something." John said as he walked off across the street.

"Fine, but don't expect us to hold a seat for ya!" George frustrating yelled at John. His perfect movie night had not been going well.

"Paul?" John spoke once he was in earshot of Paul. Paul spun around. His eyes wear puffy, like he'd been crying, and his nose was bright red. "Oh my god. Are you okay?" John quickly rushed over to try and comfort the weeping Paul.

"She left me." Paul choked and buried his hands in his face. "Who?" John said frantically. "Linda? Why is she leaving you? Paul?" It took a second for Paul to respond. "She found out about us. She doesn't know it was you, but she knows I'm having an affair with someone."

"So she's didn't call the police?" John sighed in relief when Paul shook his head no. "I'm such a terrible person!" Paul whined aloud.

"No you are not," Paul's lip quivered in sadness as he looked at John's stern face. "You are not a bad person, Paul. Just because you're in love doesn't mean you're a bad person."

"But I hurt her, John."

"Paul, she may be hurt. She may never think she'll find love again, but if she's as amazing as you've told me about her. How strong and independent she can be. I believe she can feel better. Though, I'm not saying you were not good enough for her because, you are. You're perfect Paul. But I believe she is strong and you should be strong too." John was grateful the street was empty.

Paul looked at John in amazement at his words. John gasped slightly as Paul wrapped his arms around him and pushed his body against his.

Emotion is a strange thing. Humans always feel emotions. They are what make us human. For some the emotions of other can be hard to understand. It can also be hard to communicate those emotions correctly.

Emotions can destroy people, but they can also build people up. They can change the way people see things and how people act. Emotions are powerful.

And a big thing that make people feel emotions is music. Music can make you feel happy to sad to calm to angry. It can change someone. This is the thing that made John and Paul feel towards each other.

It made them hold each other close and to stare at each other. To feel that jittery feeling in their  stomachs. It brought them and their emotions together.

The simple yet powerful words they danced to only ten days ago changed their lives, for the best.

The End

The Simple Words We Dance To // mclennonWhere stories live. Discover now